scared and stressed at 5 weeks

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Ok so back in October 2010 I had a miscarriage. Well I just found out last week that I'm pregnant again, so happy! Well I had to go to the ER yesterday bc I was having some cramping which can be normal but I wAnted to be safe than sorry. They did a vaginal ultrasound and were able to see the sack in the uterus but nothing else at this point. They said it was still to early. So I was wondering if anyone could share some positive feedback. Im 5 weeks and 2 days today. Thanks again.


  • edited March 2011
    I had a preterm labor 2 yrs ago! Im on my 14th week and hoping to have a happy pregnancy and a safe delivery..i still believe God is good and He knows i deserve to have my child!
  • I completely understand. I'm five weeks too and miscarried in September. I'm a nervous wreck. I can't wait to see a heartbeat and hopefully calm down a little. I heard six weeks is the earliest you can see one and I get an ultrasound next week so I'm really praying we see one!
  • edited March 2011
    I am confident you will be ok. It's always good if they see the sac that early and that's Usually the only thing that early. Try to stay positive and maybe you can talk your doc into making hcg level check up's as long as they go up like supposed to you know everything is ok.
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