Hairy Tummy...any one else

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So i've noticed my tummy has gotten hairy!!! Yikes is this normal I heard it was because your testeron increases but it will go ugh this is weird


  • I said earlier in another thread that I'm changing my name to Chewbacca. I'm just glad I'm blonde. But that happy trail isn't so happy anymore.
  • I noticed it too,I'm just glad mines blonde too,I feel like I have a furry belly lol
  • YES!!! I WANNA SHAVE IT BUT I KNOW IT'LL MAKE IT WORSE!!! Lol this baby better make me rich for all of this ugliness I am acquirring lol
  • Hahaha I totally agree jmask!
  • I almost bought a home waxing kit the other day. But I don't want hard wax.
  • lol ha glad im not alone this is halirious lol
  • I shave mine everytime I shave my legs! I look like my hunny essh a hairy man!
  • Yep im furry but its blonde so im not stressing
  • You're not alone! I didn't have this problem with my daughter, but this little boy has turned me into a hairy monkey, lol. My belly is one of the few places I still shave on a reful
  • a regular basis!
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  • I don't have a linea negra, but I've gotten a little bit of dark hair on that line spot.
  • Uugh my belly is hairy looks funny.I tried shaving but it only makes it worse..its emberasing..
  • I was already hairy before. Now my hair has trippled on my stomach. I have the dark line too
  • 12 weeks pregnant,very hairy tummy lol I don't like it much.
  • Omg! I thought it was my imagination! My tummy is sooooo hairy! My hubby just laughs when I point it out. I hope it goes away after the baby is born.
  • I don't think I will wear a bikini in the summer now : ( I feel like a beast! Lol
  • @elle_baby I thought I wanted a bikini this summer too but. I, have quickly changed my, mind
  • Omg! I have a hairy tummy too and what's worse is I got it around 12 weeks! I even started sprouting hair on my back :( eww. I hope in the long run the baby will make up for it :)
  • I got a hairy tummy and im hairy everywhere else. Im just happy it goes away after the baby. But don't worry its really common.
  • @sara102011 ....and who knows how one pieces will look with a bump lol.
  • @elle_baby girl we will look sexy no matter what!!
  • Yes it is normal. It's from all the extra hormones.
  • @sara102011 extra work bt we can probably still rock the hairy stomach I suppose lmao.
  • LOL! Oh man...meee too! Blonde hairs..I keep shaving them though cause I hate hair lol
  • BD teased me cos my belly's a little fuzzy. xD Fortunately, it isn't enough to bug me really. I thought it was cute when he did it! It goes away, I remember having a hairy belly with my last pregnancy and it just goes away afterward.
  • Oh yes! And a lil really thin on my boobs, luckily the hair on my boobs are tiny and blonde. Tummy is thin black...NOT CUTE. My friends say its not noticable but I notice it!
  • Im 11 weeks and I have a very hairy belly already and I am very fair complected so it looks so bad.
  • My mustache would make you all feel better about your tummys lol even the lady who waxed my lip pulled off the strip and said "yeah you needed that" lol
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