It can be but you should always go in to get checked out with any bleeding or spotting. Just to be safe hun. They should give you an ultrasound right away at the er no questions asked. Hoping all is okay!
I'm 8 weeks 1 day and I have lil brown discharge spotting lil bit and just had an ultrasound yesterday n everything is fine pretty sure its normal in 1st trimester... when r u due??
I Just turned 8 weeks & just had dr appt today. I had only a tad bit of spotting, but my dr noticed I have placenta previa & shouldn't have sex. Baby is fine & will probably go away, guess it's common.
Let us know how u r doing as alot of us have felt with spotting and even mc before of u need to talk I am up 4 it bc I had a mc a year ago I am now 9 wks pregnant and at about week 5 or 6 I had a strand of red and brown blood about as big as a quarter when I wiped then I only had a brown discharge after that. My Dr. Said that that was normal In early pregnancy and set me up for an ultrasound on march 15 can't wait as I am worried to see the heartbeat and b reassured all is ok but I wanted to wait till I was far enough along to b able to pick up a heartbeat bc my last mc we weren't. Sure if there was a heartbeat and it was too early to detect or what so this time I will be almost 11 wks when I have my us if there is no hb. The we will know for sure that something is wrong and not have to play the waiting game as we did last time. Gl everyone with ur babys. O and we r hoping for a girl but as long as it is healthy im sure my two sons will b fine with another boy
Thanks everyone for im praying I dont have a mc my doc appt is tomorrow and it's my first one besides my orientation . Do they usually do a ultra sound the this soon ? Im guessing Im 9 weeks today im not sure how things work
Most dr.s do that way they can get an accurate measurement of the baby that way they are sure that u have the right due date. O wouldn't worry. I think everything will be fine.
They don't always do an ultrasound early. It depends on the dr. If you tell them your bleeding they will. I got one at 6 weeks and saw the heartbeat 9 weeks will be fine to get one and they usually do a vaginal one that early.
The last time I spotted I was 8wks/2days.... I'm now 10wks and 2 days and haven't had any spotting issues. I've even (tmi) had sex within that time when before then I couldn't cause i'd spot everytime. If your spotting is pink or red, or you're cramping i'd definitely get it checked. If its brownish and your not having any pain i'd say just relax. Lay down and just take it easy. But, if you'd rather be safe go have your dr. Check it out. Good luck hun!