find out or surprise?

edited March 2011 in Just for Fun
So first of all I wanted to find out so did fiance but his mum never so I said I wasn't going to speak to her till i gave birth haha, anyway my school friend and cousin just had a baby and said it was the most amazing thing they got to find out at birth, so now got me thinking I dont want to find out but fiance said it'll be easier for buying clothes and stuff. What does everyone else think and did you find out or not?


  • I agree with your finance. It is much easier getting everything prepared. Where im from at least, the stores have the tiniest gender neutral section ever!! There is no way I could wait until birth, but that's just me. :)
  • I would be able to withstand the anticipation and not knowing
  • Were waiting till birth to know.
  • In my family we have a shower for the mom and baby after the baby is born if the mother and father chose to wait till birth to know.
  • Knowing and being able to shop and stuff helps me occupy my time I can't wait to find out!
  • Lol not much neutral stuff nowadays plus i know if i buy neutral baby wont wear them lol so I only bought two things two baby grows one says i love my mummy and my mummy loves me the other one says same but with daddy :) and my gr8 granma n his granma knittes few cardies n shawls cos i love stuff like that :)
  • Buy both and keep receipts and return what your not going to use.
  • Good idea lol i'll prob wanna know by time may comes haha i really think im having a boy though x
  • Were waiting till birth! Cant wait! Were asking for gift cards instead if clothes so we can shop online once baby gets here. We problem finding adorable bedset and matching decor either. were just excited for the amazing emotional moment we get to meet and discover our lil one :)
  • I'm having a surprise!
  • im having a baby lol its been fun not knowing kinda like christmas:) plus theres lots of cute stuff in brown green n white:)
  • We are having a little boy. Neither me or my hubby could wait. I'm a curious person anyways. :) plus like they said before, it was just easier to buy stuff and be prepared. and honestly at my last ultrasound he wasn't very shy. Lol. He was spread eagle for the camera.
  • Haha @Jojom well we havin the 4d scan at 28 weeks so prob see for sure then ill prob be gutted at 20 week scan if baby hides haha
  • Surprise For us. I don't want people to buy things based on the sex. WE are planning on having more kids
  • I was going to wait since I found out wirh the first three and know that this is absolutely the last, but now I think I've changed my mind and want to find out.
  • I love the idea of a surprise, but I am such a curious person I do not think I could last long! The same goes for my fiance. He and I are a perfect, curious pair - the cat has NOTHING on us. :-))

    I will be having my tech put the gender in a card, though, when the time comes. This way we can make it a special event for family to discover the gender of our future little one. :) One example is opening up the card at a big family gathering or diaper shower. I have also seen a couple announce the gender through a cake - the couple had a baker make the inside of a cake either pink for a girl or blue for a boy, so when they cut into the cake, everyone would find out via delicious pastry. ;)
  • We are not finding out... there is a lot of gender neutral stuff out there, you just have to look!!! There are very few surprises in life... why not wait???
  • I'm husband couldn't so I let him find out....I don't like the whole girls have pink, boys have blue thing...i plan on doing neutral colors for all my kids but no one is going to really help out until they know...i want the surprise and ppl think i'm crazy lol
  • @fingerscrossed there both brilliant ideas!! i might just let my fiance find out and see how long i can last without beggin him to tell me haha
  • nah forget all that I wanna know. so does my gf. lol (:
  • This is our first and there is a chance my husband might deploy early and miss the birth so if that wad to happen he'd miss finding out what we are having. Maybe we'll. Be surprised with the next one.
  • I'm so not down with waiting! I've had my girl name picked out since I was 13 when I picked out my youngest sons name. We've been looking at boy names (just in case) but damn if I don't like any of them and especially not 'normal' names! Please please let me have a girl this time! (My first was named after his dad but he's the fifth (V) so my other name I love is Dominick. Helping know the sex will help me stress that much less! Id like to buy some purple & pink & frilly stuff for once! Fingers crossed <3
  • Im only 8 weeks but think I want to find out. I like being prepared&i like shopping & it's so hard w gender neutral stuff. I think if I have a second one later in life we could leave that one a surprise since we'd already have a lot of staple items from previous.
  • there may be gender neutral out there, but if youre having a girl it's hard not to want all the lil girlie stuff;)
  • I dont want all girlie stuff i want a boy haha :D i think maybe with 2nd will not be has anxious to find out x
  • we are team green here. We found out with#1 but we found out after garage sale season so I had to buy a lot of gender neutral. We have so much boy stuff, a few girl things and lots of green, yellow, and white. You have to remember that girls can wear blue, some colors go both ways, and if its too cute to walk away from, just get it. I did way back and have a small stash of girl stuff.
    Its really not hard to stay team green, you just keep thinking off that special moment when the dr tells you "its a... "and that baby daddy gets to run out to the waiting family and be the one to tell them. Howe many super surprises do we get in life like that? All else fails, have the baby shower after baby is born. You'll be putting it in onesies for a little while anyway. Just bring one boy outfit and one girl to the hospital for the coming home outfit.
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