Hey ladies! This is my first and we are considering not finding out the sex so we can be surprised on that amazing day! What are your thoughts? Are you going to find out??
I couldn't wait if I didn't have to! Lol I love to be very prepared and have all the clothes and accessories ready. Where I live there is a very small section of neutral clothing. But if you can wait and still get everything you need, that's great!!! No judgements here!! Congrats by the way!!
Im glad I found out because I thought I was having a girl and I like to be prepared now that I know its a boy I know what to buy and I am wayyy to impatient.
I did not find out with my first, and it was the best moment of mine and my husband's life when we were told as the baby was born. I can't explain it but it was just so wonderful for us to do it that way. We're not finding out with this one either. Not everyones choice to do this but just felt so right for us.
We still have a while before we have to make the decision but I go back and forth. We are buying a new house in a couple months and will be painting the kids rooms (he has a daughter)..if we don't find out, ill paint the room light green and have either purple or blue accents. Ahhh decisions decisions congrats everyone!!