Please try geritol

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
For all the ttc moms I wouldn't post it if I was lying. I was ttc for a year and a couple months and nothing worked no Vitex no nothing. Then my grams told me about geritol and I took it from May 23 to June 30 and I promise u I got my BFP. Got pregnant July 24.


  • What is Geritol? Does it work the same as the Robitussin method? How often do you take it? (sorry so many ???)
  • Omg! One a day as well. Pretty much any woman vitamins will have u fertile. Just take them as directed
  • I'm from england and have been taking pregnacar for nearly a week now so hope these work :)
  • It's a women's vitamin. Take it once a day. I took two pills a day or take One a Days vitamins. Take those and clear ur mind with ttc and enjoy sex and u will get that Bfp u been praying for.
  • I AGREE. MI MOM TOLD ME ABOUT IT @Lynn25 .... I started taking it the first day of mi AF Feb27.... n been takin it since. I take one a day I'm on pill 13 ...I ovulate on the 15th so hopefully I get as blessed as u ..N YES LADIES IF U GOOGLE GERITOL N PREGNANCY U WILL FINDS MILLIONS OF SUCCESS STORIES ..GL N WISH ME LUCK THANKX:)
  • Good luck and lots of baby dust @stareyez. May 23 was the first day of my cycle as well. And I'm now 35 weeks....
  • @Lynn25 did you ever find a good town? Off subject I know.
  • U give me so much hope. Lol thankx
    did u continue to take it up until ur nxt period. ? When should I stop using them n test .. will sumthn happen if I take them while I'm prego n dnt kn
  • @caroline8_p I honestly forgot all about it lol. This past week has been painful for me. Where did u suggest?
  • League City / Clear Lake, TX. You can message me if you'd like more info. @Lynn25
  • @stareyez I took it for a month and a half so yea then got bfp in july. Take two pills a day til u get ur bfp then switch to prenatal vitamins. I'm gne keep u in my prayers.
  • K thankx hun;)
  • @caroline k thanks I will Google it then message u. Is the school system good?
  • @stareyez ur welcome. I'm here if u need me...
  • @Lynn25 the best in the state.
  • TThere are 4 maybe 5 high schools, imagine how many elems, lol. Great community. Close to everything.
  • Sounds nice...
  • Thankx:)
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