When to Start Telling Family?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm six weeks along and very excited about our baby. It's our first kid and will be my mom's first grandchild. We thought about holding off until our one year wedding anniversary to get family together and surprise everyone with grandparent gifts and ultrasound shots. I'm paranoid that I'll miscarry before then or I'll start showing before then. Everything seems fine right now so far as miscarriage but I won't get to hear our little spud for at least four weeks. Should I wait to tell everyone or tell the grandparents now and everyone else later?


  • You can tell everyone now
  • I told everyone as soon ad I peed on that stick LOL :)
  • I didnt wait to tell on my first pregnancy and ended in a mc it sucked because I had just told everyone and had to tell eveeyone about mc. You sound like everything is fine and its so hard to keep the big news to yourself but think of how awesome it could be to give them all that big surprise together at ur anniversary. You may even know the sex and can give the grandparents a certain color baby sock in front of everyone the excitement could be better then just telling them, but thats just me. Whenever you feel confortable and ready you should tell everyone
  • All mine and my hubbys family knew within a day of my bfp. He was super excited hehe. He even told the UPS and Fedex guys at work lol
  • I've told people at work/school since none of them know any family. One of my husband's cousins is a TA but he works in a different building on campus. We will probably wait. Hoping hubby can hold out for May.
  • I told everybody the day we found out lol couldn't hold it in!
  • You can tell them now but some doctors say 12 weeks..which is end of 1st trimester. That's when chances of miscarriage decrease.
  • With my other children everyone knew as soon as I found out. Since this is my fourth and I'm only 25 I don't wanna here the comments so I'm holding off on telling my dad and my husbands family until my nuchal scan. Cuzn I swear if someone says a nasty comment I will punch them in their mouth. But all my friends and my side of the family knows and are supportive
  • HI kailiasmomma I was just wondering what a nuchal scan was never heard of it before
  • With my first I told everyone at five weeks and with baby number two I found out at three weeks and told family but I didn't tell work till I was ten weeks.. although my boss figured it out lol.
  • You know what, if you have a miscarriage it sucks no matter what. It sucks if you already shared it and now you have to untell everyone, and it really sucks if you never got to share your happy news and then are going through the most painful time in your life alone. I waited and wished I hadn't, and I know of women who didn't wait to tell and wish they had.

    My advice is go with your gut! If you really want to share now, go for it! If you want to wait, that's fine too, but be prepared to go it alone if something were to happen. I know my mom was really hurt that I didn't tell her what I was going through.
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