Im not sure if im pregnant.

edited March 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
My period is now 8 days late, took two test both were negative. Now, I feel sick to my stomach every morning and I get dizzy fast. My sister said I should take another test at my period being 10 days late that way I'd know whether to head to the doctor or not. I'm just worried something can be wrong.


  • edited March 2011
    Blood test is more accurate than a pee test. Most of the store bought test do detect low levels of
    the hcg thou. Lab test now will provide you with blood test for a fee which is cheaper than seeing a doctor
  • GO to er and complain about cramps.... They will test ya for free if ya insurance cover it...thts wat alot of ppl du lol
  • Thanks ladies, I am making an appointment for next week. The er only gives me a pee test they won't do my blood. Thank for you advise :)
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