Update on Hospital.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So, It's comfirmed it is Leukemia. But the have no clue what to do. The treatments would hurt the baby, but not treatments may hurt me. I told them I prefer I get hurt then the baby, and I know I can last another 8 months without treatments. And after the baby is born, then I'll accept treatments. But till then I will be strong on my own with the help of family. I got out of the hospital about an hour ago, and my boyfriend wants me to rest so, I'll be back on later. Just thought I'd keep you updated. And thank you guys so much for your prayers and comments. They made me happy. I will be strong, and thank you all for keeping me in mind. I hope everyone is doing fine with their pregnancys and I hope delivery goes well. And wish everyone luck and to smile everyday, because everyday is a treasure. :)


  • Wow.. be safe hun. I hope everything is well
  • Keep us updated mama... will keep u in our prayer. Can i ask ur first name? Just wanna know who im praying for. :) my names April. Good luck with everything. God will take care of u.
  • I didn't read Your former post before but good luck Hun everything will work out I am sure. I will pray for you and take good care of yourself. there may be some homeopathic stuff you might be able to try in the mean time something that wont hurt Your baby. Good luck And stay strong.
  • I saw a story on the news the other night about a woman undergoing cancer treatment during pregnancy. I can't remember what type she had but her doctor advised her to do chemo during her 2nd trimester and it would not harm the baby at all. She delivered a healthy baby girl at 36 weeks. Maybe do a little research and see if this may also be an option for you. Good luck dear. I wish you and baby ALL the best!!
  • I have heard of them taking the baby earlier.
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  • @jersey_mama16 you are wiser beyond your age. I wish you, baby and your family the very best. God bless you.
  • Good luck... wishing all the best... you and baby are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Reading this made me want to cry. I'm so sry and everyone will be praying for u and yr family
  • @mommyof3girls My name is Jersey. (I'm serious, that's why I want a unique name for my baby too)
    @drgonzo523 I have been doing research since I got home. Still determining, I'm still thinking my choice is best. But not fully sure yet.
    And thank you to everyone else.
  • G'luck mama. I went through a life/death situation when I was preggo the first time, & I was 16 too. I played the odds & stuck through the pregnancy, & amazingly we all survived & healthy now. Miracles can happen, & blessings can be amazing. I wish you the best, you are in my thoughts & prayers.
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  • edited March 2011

    @drgonzo523 was correct. Be sure to schedule an appointment with an oncologist familiar with treating pregnant patients. According to several medical articles I researched on U.S. National Library of Medicine (PubMed.gov), you have options for combination chemotherapy during the second and third trimester; you are right, however, about the first trimester and not having many options about treatment. These have a greater chance controlling your Leukemia through your pregnancy, which help secure viability of your baby. They closely monitor your growing baby during this time, and while there is always going to be a risk to either you or your baby, they will be able to work out a care plan with you about dosages and care. Also, there are certain drugs used during Leukemia chemotherapy that have shown not to cause birth defects, which is good news. The healthier you are, the better chance your little one has. Please also look into taking a folate and an iron supplement; it will help your infant from possibly developing Leukemia in the future. Because there will be a future for both of you. :)

    With all of that being said, I am really sorry to hear about this, and I wish you and your little one the best. You have a really positive attitude, and as a cancer patient, a positive attitude will greatly improve your chances and overall health. An oncologist familiar with pregnant patients and neonatologist will help devise the best care possible for you. It may take a little research to find the right one. If you live close to Alabama or have access to it, we have the Kirklin Clinic here, which works closely with University of Birmingham's Children's Hospital. You may be eligible for free care, and I know the Ronald McDonald House and the Hope Lodge here will house you for free during treatments, office visits, and birth. I just really wanted you to know you have options out there to keep it in remission while having little to no chance to affect the baby.
  • First off I want to say ur name Jersey, is cool as hell. Second my sincerest thoughts are truelly with u in this terrible time. A very close friend of mine is also battling lukemia. She has been dealing with blood disorders for several years now and a few months ago she was diagnosed with Lukemia and has done nothing but went down hill from there. She has been in the hospital since January battling this horrible disease in each and every way she can. She is a very strong woman, with 2 boys at home. If anyone can overcome this, there is no doubt that it would b her. She is the kind of person that would do anything for anyone, and she doesn't deserve this. We actually just had a fundraiser dinner for her tonight, that went awesome btw...and we r having a blood drive, bone marrow match in April. She has a great support team, I hope u do to because there r a lot of struggles in ur future, I pray for u that ur strong enough to conquer them. We are all here to talk anytime u need a friend. Keep us posted...
  • I am new to this forum so I just came accross ur post. I want to let u know that u and ur whole family will b in my prayers. I had a cousin that had Leukemia and it is a subject very difficult for me but I know with God's grace u and ur baby will be ok and u will have a lifetime of health and happiness. I wanted to suggest u looking into cord blood banking. I know the cord blodd from a baby can be used to cure many illnesses on sublings and I think as a parent u can benefit from it too. The one I've been looking into is ViaCord and I know their website has a lot of info. Wish u the best
  • I worked in oncology for 4 years and we had a pregnant mom who had leukemia. It was recommend until she waited for the start of her second trimester then start chemotherapy because it wouldn't hurt the baby. Do some research and definently get a second opinion. Keep your head up and stay strong
  • I'm so sorry this happened to you. My Mom has leukemia and she is doing well so far without treatment. I wish you well and hoping things turn out happy for all. You and your bf seem very mature for being so young. Stay strong for each other and you will make it...all my best...:-)
  • I left a message on your bf post but want to tell you that my family is praying for a speedy healing and healthy baby. I am believing you will have both, and your little family will have that happy ever after. Because you will :)! Keep learning, researching, resting and resting... then let your body and the drs do their job. Keep us updated and know lots of us are holding you in our thoughts, prayers and our hearts!
  • edited March 2011
    I was about to cry when I heard I hope u n the baby good luck n ur in my prays n ur man is such a great guy to stay there for u i really hope everything goes alright n keep us posted when I was pregnant with my son I had toxiema poison n they said me or the baby would of die or both my husband stayed in the hosptial with me the whole time how many weeks r u u r in my prays n in my thoughts n take it easy best of wishes %%-
  • Praying for y'all!
  • @babiilove I am now 8 weeks and 1 day.
  • Stay strong prayers for you and yours
  • @jersey_mama16 scrolling thru past discussions I came on one by your boyfriend and then just read up on your sitiuation. I am going to get everyone I know praying for you. My hubby and kids, my daycare families, and get you on the prayer list at my church. With all the people you are going to have crying out to God in your name, there is no way he wont be involved:) You sound like an amazing woman(&yes I know ur 16 but you are stepping up to the plate like a woman not a young girl) I know you will make an amazing mama. many thoughts and prayers coming your way!
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