Does she know?

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
For the past few weeks, our kitten has been extra lovey towards me; condstantly rubbing against me, sleeping right next me, and getting super excited every time I walk in the room. Does she know im expecting? I hope her affection towards me doesnt change after our bundle of joy is here.


  • edited March 2011
    Aww how cute! I'm sure they sense it, my puppy has been acting crazy n hyper demanding attention since I been pregnant
  • I was just googling we r ttc and tge other night our cat curls up right on my stomach. She doesnt normally do that. Im hoping she knows more than i do. Af is due tues... im hopeing for a bfp.
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  • My pup is super protective of me all of q sudden even when my guy and I just hug.. She barks and squeezes between us! She used to sleep at the foot of the bed, now she sleeps as close to the bed on my side as she can! Its adorable..! If they can sense earthquakes they gotta know weve got buns in the oven :)
  • Both of my dogs will not let me out of their sight and if I sit down they are right there on either side of me. My husband and I are pretty sure they know! Lol its cute!
  • My dog has been much more affectionate towards me. She follows me everywhere I go, wants to curl up on the couch next to me, even sniffed my belly the other day. I'm 12 weeks, just starting to show.
  • My Kitten is extremely attached to me since I'm are not imagining kitten is also following me around and wanting to sleep so close to me..I often wonder if she husband laughs at me when I try to push her away and she continues to come back..ugh
  • My cat used to be an angry beaver and only wanted love on his time. Now that's all the time. He is noticably sweeter. But I'm not complaining. In my pregnancy book it said cats love the smell of baby. Keep all the stuff away from it. When you bring baby home greet your pets first without the baby but something that smells like the baby so they don't smother the baby when they come inside.
  • I have 4 dachshunds & my 2 girls seem to wag their tails more often when I go around them. When I hold "Bun" she turns on her back & wants her belly rubbed as does "Chili Cheese". Not sure if they can sense me pg or not but I love their lil wagging either way <3
  • I googled it cuz my dogs have been acting funny since day 1 and I found that there weren't any scientific studies done but that lots of women's animals tend to act a lot more protective when they r preggers.
  • Oh good i thought i was going mental. I have three cats and they have all been different the last week or so. One laid next to me with his paws out on m y tummy last night but normally he does that kneading thing with his paws and claws! Other two are being proper lap cats and one won't leave me alone ever! Love it tho
  • My overly spastic dog normal jumps on everyone and now she just walks right next to me all calm and still tries to knock everyone else down.
  • My 2 cats are all over me. Follow me everywhere. Even to the bathroom and watch me take a bath. Both like to knead on my belly. One of them used to never knead on my belly. They are so sweet. Im scared they going to try to sleep on the baby.
  • When I pregnant with my son my dog was close to me b4 but got closer when I was pregnant my son was born n she was protected with him n me everytime I go to my moms house with this pregnant she all ova my belly they can sence like my son can his 2 years old n his more close than b4 I tell him to kiss my belly n rub baby n he does n also it looks like he listen to my belly when he lays on me
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