stabbing pains in my nipples?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have been getting these stabbing and zapping pains just inside of my nipples for the past few weeks. They come and go with no real pattern. I'm not leaking milk or anything yet I'm 14w 4d. I'm wondering if this is a sign I'm producing milk and its working its way down or if I'm the only one feeling this?


  • Unfortunately I don't know why this happens but I get this too randomly, it's a horrible stabbing pain, if it's really cold outside it can make it happen and I hate it! I've had it since about 22 weeks but it's not so bad now the weather's warmer.
  • Happens to me too
  • @sheridanLM1991 ya I notice it more when I go outside in the cold. It's sp annoying and I don't wanna be grabbing my boobs in public lol but they hurt! And I thought it may be cuz my nipples r pierced but my OB says they aren't a problem but not to breastfeed with em in.
    Btw ur us pic is adorable! Do u know what it is yet cuz it looks like a girl to me with those lips :) so cute!
  • It's a girl! Me and my partner knew when we saw the lips! That scan picture is when she was 35 weeks and 5 days, she was stubborn about letting us know she was a girl till then! When do you find out what you're having or do you know? :-)
  • I was gonna post this last night I just Sr started gettin em now at 11 wks
  • Mine started not long after I found out I was pregnant it's really bad when I'm cold
  • I recommend running hot what over them or take a hot shower
  • Mine hurt so horrible I'm already 19 weeks and the pain never goes away the nipple is allways sensative and hard ;(
  • Omy gosh.... I remember that with my 1 yr old that hurt and sucked bad... I hope this doesn't happen again.. 30 weeks and so far no nipple stabbing... when this was happening to me I tried everything and nothing worked:-( :bz
  • @sheridanLM1991 oh I'm high risk so I found out at 11w that we r having a lil boy! :) so excited its r 1st baby and I always dreamed of having a boy 1st.

    To all the other ladies Ty for ur input I was just hoping it was normal and not sometjing I needed to bring up to my Dr. I'll try hot water over them cuz everything else hasn't worked so far.
  • I have this same problem. I gasped today and my mom is like what's wrong, and I said I'm getting horrible shooting pains in my nipples and boobs! Ahhh horrible. But I've been feeling flutters all day so it reminds me everything is so worth it.
  • I to have this pain but during this pain nausea fades away
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