fetal movement.. advice please.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 19 weeks and 3 days and have felt my little ayden for about a week and a half but it seems as though some days I feel a lot of movement and other days not so much. Is it normal to feel a lot one day and not very much the next? I just worrrry a lot because I have complete placenta previa and a 2 vesseled umbillical cord. Ahhh someone comfort me :)


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  • Boys are lazy hun they just float when they want if you want to feel him drink a glass of ice water and lay on your left side in 30 mins you should feel him
  • Ahh thank you girls so much! I've been worrying with all that stuff going on. Anyone else have that umbillical cord prob or previa?
  • Its ok to feel some movement all day and none some days.ure still not that far along yet..when ure in ure 3rd trimaster is when the baby moves 24/7. As for ure plasenta privia u still got time for the baby to move..I was a privia but my son is in place now..
  • Alright thank youuuu! I feel better
  • Completely normal because baby still has a lot of room to move around
  • Oh good. I'm always so worrrried! When should I feel a full blown kick? I'm also a plus size woman so I try to keep that in mind!
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  • Is your previa complete? And nope lol I never stop worrying. And it seems like if he doesn't move for a while I flip out which I should just realize that he's only a small fish in a big sea right now but I can't help ittt! I used to feel the spasms now I feel flutttters :) how far along are you? @saylorsmommy
  • I had a two vessel cord and my son is totally normal. For the most part they can tell that from ultrasounds...I didn't even know about mine until birth but everything was fine. I wouldn't worry - I'm 33 weeks now and still worry about not feeling 'enough' movement. Cold water really does help (and in my case trying to sleep seems to signal play time for this guy!)
  • Perfectly normal. You'll feel a whole lot more in the coming month or so. All depends on how baby is positioned, asleep or awake, and how much padding you have in front. You'll actually get beat up for the last 4.weeks
  • @mama_bee awe good a I can sigh a sigh of releif. I read all this negative stufff online and it goit me worrying, :( but I'm deff gonna have to try the cold waterrr!
  • @mommytoaprince oh good, I love all of the awesome feeed back! I feel so much better. I have quite a bit of padding upfront so it could be a while lol from what I hear anyway!
  • Lol same here. I feel a lot from thr inside but have loose skin and chub from my son, so hubby can't feel anything yet. It'll happen though. Cherish it. You'll miss it once you push baby out
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  • I'm 20 weeks and some days babys doesn't move at all or i can't feel it but nights like tonight baby won't stop moving i first feel movement at 16 or 17 weeks now they are kicks and i can see my belly move where the kicks are its so cool
  • @saylorsmommy omgosh I'm the biggggggest worry wart too! :( I just sit around and think about things that could go wrong and freak myself outtt! We are due around the same time I'm due august 3rd. So at least we will have each other to talk to about it. I got april 11th to get the embillical cord checked and all of his organs to make sure they are all there and functioning and to see about my freakish placenta ! :(
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