July babies

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Anyone feeling braxton hicks yet ?


  • No not yet im due 10th july x
  • Not yet hope they go away 4 u
  • I have felt a few, but they were days apart and only came once a day. I'm 20 weeks with baby #3; I Googled it because I thought it was weird but a lot of websites said it was normal.
  • I have and my doctor said its normal and this is baby #4 for me and the first time this has ever happened.
  • No I'm due July 10th with #2 n haven't had ant this time or last
  • Im not sure if thats what im feeling . I asked my doctor if its a normal feeling , but i dont trust anything she says . SHES NEVER BEEN PREGNANT. Plus shes like 4 years older than me. Can anyone explain how they feel ?
  • Oh yeah and im 24 weeks :)
  • My BH contractions just make my uterus hard as a rock. Usually my heartbeat increases a little as well. They are not painful at all, but can be a little uncomfortable.
  • I am due July 2nd ans have had them for about 3 days now...a cpl of times a day. I was at the hospital the other day bc i was really dehydrated, my dr told me that if ur dehydrated you will have them more so im trying to stay hydrated.....you too ladies 8-10 big glasses of water a day!!!!! lol
  • I'm 24 weeks and I get them every other day
  • I have gotten them maybe 3 times in the past two months. Its very uncomfortable for me . Especially if i am sitting up right . It slightly hurts. My doctor has no answers for me. The water situation , she did say it helps. But I have been staying hydrated since I found out about our babygirl.
  • im 22 wks and i dont think ive felt any? what does it feel like??
  • From what I have experienced . It feels like the baby is kicking in a much lower region . If you get what im saying . Lol.
  • Really?? I've been feeling the baby kick really low?? I'm 20 weeks...is that bad?
  • I'm am due July 11th...last ultrasound showed my placenta is low so I might have to have a c-sec...this is my 4th child.....all other pregnancys went great no problems at all, all natural, no sickness, good weights 8.3, 8.4, and 8.8. This one I have been sick the whole time, lower abdomnal pains, no braxton hicks yet. Really wish my placenta will move from my cervix.
  • edited March 2011
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  • Oh yeah , bri . She makes herself known . At 25 weeks shes a wild lito person who I sometime wish would stop being soooo active .
  • I'm 23 weeks and my lil is active when he wants especially when I'm tryin to sleep..today he kicked right thru my shirt..lol
  • Im 22 wks along and I have a few here and there but I think it's because i've been super stressed.. And btw this one is super active she's my 5th baby... So im thinkin the braxton hicks are pretty much normal
  • I'm 22 weeks and she's been active since week 18. :3
  • Hey ladies my name is Megan I'm new to this site I'm due July 21st and my little Avery is very active :) she is my first I'm 23 weeks...
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  • I swear I I've never felt a kick from my baby, I'm 25 weeks but he is very active on ultrasounds
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