Morning sickness :(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im currently 4 weeks 2 days and for the past 3 days i've been having the worst morning sickness... It probably has alot to with the cramping cause this is the week my period would usually come on... But its really no joke... I havent been vomiting yet thank god but i do be feeling like im about to... But to turn a already long story short i wake up early morning feeling so sick and cant go back to sleep... Is this normal, does anyone else feel like this???


  • Try eating something small. I usually only got nauseous when I was hungry... keep some saltines and bottled water next to bed and maybe try a protein drink before bed. That helped me with the morning hunger/nausea.
  • Keep Snacks like bland crackers by the bed and easy a few before you even get up. A tummy thay had a little something in it at all times its less likely to get sick. So eat small and eat frequently. Try ginger ale, ginger tea, chicken broth, least green veggies (vitamin k seems to does vitamin B6). I dont like bland crackers sp I use cheese its. They work great!
  • Thank yall so much.... Im try it tomorrow
  • @StellasMommy just be very careful with Vitamin K, it promotes blood clotting, which too much can be fatal causing clots in lungs&heart. Especially since you have prenatals that have iron in them (same thing) including any food you eat that is iron rich. I have Lupus, am on blood thinners for life, so I always remind people to be very cautious with those things.
  • Peppermints helped me
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