My pregnancy test is negative!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok im now 4 days late for my period im not throwin up but feel nusea and urinating alot, eating more and very emotional! My period is never late! But I took three test and negative! Is it too early to tell? According to this app if im pregnant im 4 weeks as of today.. My last test was yesterday


  • Hmmm, seems like you woulda gotten a positive by now if you were pregnant. But not all people do. What kind of test did you use? If you still feel pregnant in another week and your period's still a no-show, I say go get a blood test. Good luck!
  • edited March 2011
    If you would only be 4 weeks as of today, it could still be too early. What tests are you using? I suggest first response early response or clearblue digital. You should wait until tomorrow or Tuesday to test again and make sure you use your first mornings urine. If that one comes up negative and still no AF I would schedule a blood test with the doctor. Sometimes it takes longer for some womens hcg to show up so you may be one of those women. Good luck hun :)
  • Mine did not show up positive until I was 5 or 6 days late. I used clear blue digital...very easy to read! Good luck!
  • I used cheap dollar store test then 4 dollar wallmart test
  • Like I said id get the first response early detection (lines) or clearblue digital (clear words) I've never had any luck with the cheap ones myself, but everyone is different. The dollar store one still showed negative for me at 13 weeks when I had already gotten 4 ultrasounds, so I was clearly pregnant. :)
  • First response from rite aid I used
  • Ok :-bd ill check dat test tomorrow!
  • My period is 9 days late, I took three first response early tests they all came out negative. Made an appointment to see the doctor this week.
  • yea cheap ones dont work. my cousin had the same issue. try first response. or give it some time n try ept. my gf was like 5 days late n she got a bfp
  • The cheap ones don't test for as many hormones.
  • edited March 2011
    Well I am a rare case and since my periods were irregular I never could tell. When I was pregnant with my son I took a test every 2 weeks for 4 months and all were negative but went to my ob and found out I was 3 1/2 mo pregnant....good luck!
  • Can I get a blood test threw emergency room? Or I have to schedule? :/
  • Just go into the er its What I did
  • I couldn't tell I was pregnant tell 6 weeks Just wait a few more weeks by 5 weeks u should tell
  • =(( my boyfriend isnt too happy bout the possible pregnancy and we are having akward vibes [-( how can I help him feel better bout it
  • I tested 4 days before my expected period and got a faint positive line. Make sure you use a test that answers with either one or two lines instead of.a digital that spells out pregnant or not pregnant
  • definately try a digital one, they literally just say 'pregnant - 1-2 weeks' so much better. I used two of these and a cheap on with the lines on, lines one was not visable but digital ones spelt it straight out for me!
  • Men all have their moments. We were trying to get pregnant and my hubby refused to be happy until i was out of my first trimester because his exwife had a mc before they divorced.
  • Now i catch him going towards the baby stuff in walmart all the time!
  • I had a negative when I was almost a month along
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  • I got a cheap one from the dollar store and it showed up + and I was only 3 days late lol everybodys different!
  • I was over 2 wks late before I got my first positive test but from the time I was a day late I was nauseated, dizzy, peeing all the time, and a bitchy emotional rollercoaster! My poor husband thought it was the worst pms-ing he ever experienced!
  • Lol yea I been emotional as ever I was just crying 20 minutes ago and dnt know y ha
  • Go to er that's how I found out and I was really early in my pregnancy. Then now I'm 12 week good luck
  • Everyone is different n certain factors can cause the test to give you a false results, with my previous pregnancy I used the 99 cent test n it sure did work one day of a missed period! With this one I tried doing it early but I always got negative as soon I missed pediod by 2 days I did the pharmacy brand and it was positive! All test test for pregnancy hormones, if u got a false result its probably something intervene or your hormones were not high enough to detect!
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