19 weeks 2ma and dont really feel baby??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
im a 1st time mom and i dont really feel my baby kick. it moves sometimes but then im not sure cuz i never felt it before!
could everything be ok


  • I just turned 19 weeks on Friday and I barely started to feel baby but I only feel it once in awhile so dnt worry you will feel and when u do its so amazing! And this is my first baby due aug 5
  • I felt my baby well after 20 weeks. They say first time mothers don't feel as soon as ones that have been preffo before
  • It normal u will feel more movement wen u get 20 weeks n 27 weeks it will b very consistent
  • I felt my son move at exactly 21 weeks. I was freaked out at first too
  • Thanks ladies. I just can't wait to feel the lil one. I find out what I'm having on Tuesday I can't wait
  • Chances are, u have felt it and just not realized it. Kinda feels like, well, gas. Lol!! Until LO gets a bit bigger that's what it'll feel like. Just wait tho, ull have toes between ur ribs n no time. Lol :-)
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