Any working mom's out there?

edited March 2011 in First time moms
Hey guys. I am 22..I manage a mexican restaurant here and I also waitress too... I am on my feet a lot and am I worried more towards the end of my pregnancy that I may have to take more than just the month off after the baby is born. Any body else in the same situation..? Work that involves a lot of standing and walking? Is it healthy to stop at a certain point before I get to far along? I don't want to add more stress on my body or the baby. Thanks :)


  • With my first baby I worked at a grocery store and was on my feet 8 to 9 hours a day. If I could give you a tip, make sure you wear good shoes and support hose. Definately helped me get through the work day. I went into labor 3 weeks early and I was at work. So I would suggest maybe taking your maternity leave a couple weeks before you are due just in case. Any questions, go ahead and contact me. Good luck girl!
  • I work on cars in engines and when I wasn't prego I worked under cars...on my feet 9 hours a job gives me 12 weeks off tho for maternity leave so I hope that's enough time...
  • My sis is prego too,just found out,and she's in the marines as a tank and humvee Mec. I'm worried she might loose the baby :(
  • @farmerswife my sister is prego too lol...were due 5 days apart...I'm worried too about her because she's on her 4 th c section and had 3 preemies due to preeclampsia
  • My job doesn't provide maternity leave :( so I may just schedule to have a week or 2 off before and 2 weeks after.
  • @kalasthename my sis in law had two c sections,one two months early cause every time she got pregnant,she went crazy bipolar :(

    My sis is about 2-3 months behind me,I'm so excited
  • @first_timer my job doesn't give maternity leave either. with my first I took off a week before the due date and it was good timing went into labor some days after I stopped working. I delivery pizzas so always on the go work until you can't work anymore :-)
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  • I work 11p to 7am. It's been really trying on my back during the second trimester. Last month I put in my fmla papers and am taking a day off a week with no pay. I plan on working like this until delivery. It's soo hard having a "stand on your feet all night job"!
  • @first_timer I work in a resturant too and my midwife told me to sit as often as I can (which sometimes isn't realistic on busy days) so I would say do that and as the baby comes try to get shorter shifts and a few days off in a row. Also I have heard if you plan on breast feeding you need a least a month off ideally 2. This is my first baby so I am no expert but this is what other girls I work with have said! Most of them worked until the very end or like a week before their due dates but took time off after baby. Good luck! My boss keeps cutting my hours which sucks! I am so thankful for my bf and family! Without them I would be screwed!
  • Even though I'm covered by law to call out when I need to. I still get the supervisor is pissed. Always says" feeling better" when I return but it's said sarcastically.. Men have no clue the pains we go through! ;)
  • I'm 24 and I'm an RN. I work 12 hour shifts, nights 7am-7 pm. I'm on my feet non stop and it's awful! Luckily my job allows 13 weeks maternity leave. I plan on taking off atleast one week before my due date, if my job doesn't make me go into premature labor!! Having a demanding, stressful job is proving exhausting and painful while prego!
  • I know that is my biggest concern. Over exerting myself to where I go into premature labor. That would suck. I was telling my fiance that I wanted to take a week or two off before the baby was due because I do not want to be at work when I go into labor.
  • @blessed1508 what kind of work do you do?
  • I'm 20 years young and a first time mommy as well. I work as a receptionist/ assistant in a veterinary hospital. 9am-6pm Monday threw Friday. Although it can be great cause my now lazy ass can sit in my chair, I'm also on my feet quite frequently running around the hospital. Lol its a fun job but as I get further along, I can tell I'm more tired and more out of breath. Luckily I work with all women so they kinda know where I'm coming from. Just unsure when to leave and what not..
  • @farmerswife im in the military and as soon as she goes in to take a test they will put her on a profile that will limit her work hours and duty limitations. And if she has any complications her ob should restrict her work limitations even more. Im in the airforce and I have had back issues since my daughter was born so with this pregnancy I got put on admin and half days so I work at a desk and only 4 hour days...
  • @jaime77 I work the same schedule.11:00 to 7:00 I hate it
  • Oh duh blessed u said that lol
  • First_timer. It's us law under the family medical leave act that you will get 6 weeks off for the birth of your baby. Under this law, it is illegal for them to fire you.
  • Im pregnant with my second and im working as a MA in a pediatric office I'm working 50-60 hours a week and I'm usually standing all the time since I'm the only MA there this is my first time working while preggo n bout maternity leave I'm not sure how much I can get or if I get it at all the only thing I been having is SOB I will be having a second c/s.
  • Actually at work right now lol but its really dead. Im a server. I plan on working til I go into labor. My manager did the same thing. I however get to take as much time off as I want so im planning on 2 months
  • I work two jobs, one in a pizza place making pizzas in a university town and at a hotel housekeeping. I work almost 7 days a week and I'm always on my feet but I plan on taking a week off before and haven't decided after yet
  • Oh wow u r a busy lady. Are you going to keep both jobs after too @mommy2be_1st
  • @first_timer I think I'm quitting the pizza place after the baby comes
  • I know what u mean. I work a full time job plus a part time job and go to college and 8 months pregnant. Its definitely exhausting more than ever but what can u do? I need the money. Can't take off school either unless i resign than re-apply.
  • edited March 2011
    @first_timer hey if that bothers u that u cant take more time off u should look up ur states laws about pregnancy leave. i work at a car wash, I sit down like twice a day. Unless were really really slow. And its hot as fuck outside, I live in florida. So. My boss said I can leave whenever im ready but hes had a few girls work till a few days before they went into labor. Ill work until I cant no more because im paranoid about money issues :) good luuuuuck honey
  • Oh yeah my managers ask me everyday how im feeling. Its annoying but im also really glad there is no problems with it. It probably helps that I have never missed a shift unless I got it covered and even the shifts I had covered were not pregnancy related. thry actually figured I would be on leave already and I just hit the 3rd trimester...but I look huge so I think they think im alot farther along. They already talk about making me a bartender when I come back after the baby (I can't reach the glasses in the cooler with my belly right now ). I however have a lot of anxiety about money so im the one making myself work. Sympathy tips are great tho!
  • Sympathy is great haha...everyone at work is all so helpful. I am only 5 wks..found out a week ago...the guys are making sure I don't have to lift anything and everybody helps out so I can take extra breaks haha... so yeam..I'm eatin it up :P @rootzmama that is crazy work being pregnant...especially outside in the heat in gets to like 100 degrees in our restaurant during the summer and I am dreading that alone being big bellied at that time! Good luck and don't work to hard...make sure to hose yourself down every once in a while
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