anyone else expirence pubic pain?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have been expirenceing severe pain in my pubic region when I stand up or try to roll over in bed. Was wondering if anyone else has this. I'm 32 weeks along and it has been getting worse since it started at 28 weeks along. I think it might be psd.


  • Oh, I know exactly what u r talking about Hon! I'm 39w and I have been experiencing pelvic pain since about month 5. It's only gotten worse the further along I go. I thought I had psd in the beginning as well, but I didn't. I've carried my son really low my whole pregnancy and he's a bit on the bigger side, so in my case those r what have caused my pain. Anytime I sleep, or lay down, I stick a pillow between my knees and that used to help. I think at this point for me nothing is gonna help but delivery. Definitely talk to your Dr about it though. Best of luck to u!
  • I had it my first pregnancy n I'm having it now (29wks)... to b honest it lasted for a about 2 more weeks after delivery so idk what it is
  • I have this also, 34 weeks on Tuesday, I've had it for awhile, everytime I get up or roll from one side to the other, I don't know what it is but it sure hurts like hell. Curious though are we all having boys? I didn't experience this with my daughter...
  • I'm having a boy this time but I carried low with my daughter as well
  • I had the same thing. My doctor had me get a belly belt to take the pressure of the area. It helps
  • I tried the belt, but I found it so uncomfortable I returned it.
  • The belt helps a little, but in no way does it totally stop the pain. Sometimes I can't even walk it hurts so much! Called my doctor Friday but didn't get a call back. Probably here from her tomorrow. I just don't know how this will affect delivery!
  • this is call symphyis pubis dysfunction
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