edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I had a dream I was having another girl. I was holding a baby girl and I was brushing her hair and she kept crying.. anyone having crazy dreams? and if so have you ever dreamed a gender and it ended up being accurate before you found out the sex of the baby? I really want a little girl although I have a 5 year old daughter. and if its a girl I'm naming her Kaliyah Imani Johnson. I feel it deep down inside its a girl.. :X


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  • @twin_angels Thank you and congrats to you as well.. I was thinking this is a really weird dream.. @mama0811 awww I hope you get your little prince! I wouldn't know what to do with a little boy lol
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  • Before I even found out I was prego,i kept having dreams of me having a baby boy. Now im 31 weeks with a baby boy.so u just might be having that girl.
  • @mama0811 yeah everyone I know is having little boys. @Elijah_ismy_evrything I HOPE SO :)
  • When i had my first son the doctor told me he dont saw anything between the legs so i was always dreaming i had a girl them my baby boy born and these time i had a dream after i saw the chinese calendar. I had a beautiful girl with long back hair, well i saw my babys penis at 4d my last appoiment so i still have all that girly beautiful pink dresses Wating now for my grandaughter in law or maybe my sister have a girl Lol
  • With my son I had dreams I was having a boy. This time i've had dreams its a girl.. u/s confirmed it last Tuesday Baby girl! Yay! :)
  • @Keylanieq awwwww... Lol but at least you had a boy. @mommyof2naugust awww congrats!! Lots of pink and pretty colors. Im 16 weeks and 2 days due August 26th
  • @Nyla2011 Yesss I am beyond excited! Already started shopping! :) thanks hun, when do u find out what you're having?
  • Last night I had a dream about a pink carousel...I'm only 5wks so maybe its a sign I'm having a girl...really won't a boy tho...
  • I had a dream I had a baby girl and I was shopping for a baby boy... I hope that doesn't mean I'm having twins ill loose it lol I just hope he or she is healthy im 9 weeks.
  • mine is complicated...first at 9weeks i dreamed it was a baby girl she was beautiful and she was laying on my bd chest sleeping then at about 12 weeks i dreamed of a baby boy he looked EXACTLY like the girl but it was a boy...but im only prego with one baby.....i really want a boy but i think it will be cute to dress a girl...im 14w1d so i dnt knw the gender of my jellybean yet!...
  • edited March 2011
    @Nyla2011 well yes i mean i know all the teenager problems and broken hearts to deal with when is a daughter, but i think with boys could be the same, soooo just they will never be pregnant hahahaha
  • @mommyof2naugust I find out March 24th :) O:) @sweetness06 congrats possibly might be a girl..@mimi lol people was constantly telling me I was pregnant with twins I use to get soooo mad because my stomach was bloated in the.beginning lol im having only one and hoping for a girl. @jellybeans_mommy I hope you have a boy although dressing up a little girl is so cute..@keylanieq lol I totally agree lol!!! I hope my daughter doesnt experience such heartache she will be 6 so maybe I should hope for a boy lol
  • Mine have not been fun dreams I keep dreaming the past two nights that I go to the bathroom and I see alot of blood. Im first time pregnant is this normal to dream about mc so much i mean two nights back to back?
  • @Tatertotmom1 how far along are you?
  • Ill be 6 weeks tomorrow
  • It's prbly just stress.
  • I hope so I dont go to the doctor till the 28th which puts me in my 8th week I think.
  • I dreamt I was breastfeeding a boy. Wont find out till next month though...
  • Just try not to think of it that much. They also say you dream if what you think the most about or worry or stress about THAT'S WHAT I WAS TOLD i won't say that the sayings are true bc i don't know.
  • I had a dream that I gave birth to a blonde hair blue eyed Filipino old person!!! Lol I try not to read too much into the dreams.. :)
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