How and when did you know you miscarried?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 5 weeks pregnant and won't have my first doctor's appointment for another 3 weeks. I'm just curious when and how you knew you miscarried? Are there any signs?


  • Spoting and light bleeding is normal but of you start to bleed heavily and have cramping contact your doctor right away.have you miscarried before
  • No. This is my first pregnancy and I'm terrified of having a miscarriage. I was just curious if you definitely know when it happens.
  • Yea u definitely know mine started off as light cramps and spotting then got heavier over the next two days with lots of clotting . I was 10 weeks but they said the baby just never grew it was nothing I did
  • You do have some idea my first pregnancy right after having sex I experience some slight stomach pain and that next mornin I was in the hospital have a miscarriage I was only 6 weeks and it really hurts.
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  • I didnt know I had misscarried till my 1st ultrasound. Should of been 13 weeks 3 days but ultrasound showed 2 little bubs no bigger than 5 weeks.
  • OP I feel the same as you :/ I'm in my 5th week I just found out I'm pregnant and I'm terrified of miscarrying. The same day I found out I bought high quality GNC prenatal vitamins and omega-3 capsules. Idk if they will help prevent MC but they definitely can't hurt, right?
  • I had a miscarriage before my first and to me it felt like I was dying. It only lasted for a few minutes but felt like forever. It honestly felt worse than contractions. And then when it was all over I passed this blueish bloody sac.
  • I had had no idea that I miscarried. At my first appointment at 10 weeks the ultrasound showed a baby less than 5 weeks. I had light spotting and cramping but that's "normal". I still had every pregnancy symptom just as strong as I had in the beginning...everyone is different though and I wish you and baby the best! :-)
  • I'm terrified of miscarrying too. You're not alone Hunny.
  • I miscarried in august and it was the most horrible thing. I bled like crazy and then a blue sac came out. I am now pregnant again, and I continue to spot. Everytime it starts I think it is happening again. I know I am supposed to be positive but it is so scary wondering if today will be the day.

  • Thanks girls for all your feedback and support. I really appreciate it!
  • I feel the same way. I haven't seen my Dr yet and every slight cramp I freak out. I just wanna feel it already so I know everything is OK!
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