sick of drama and garbage look here!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I found a pregnancy app on the droid called happy pregnancy ticker. Its for happy women who are excited about their pregnancies. No drugs, alcohol or other offensive materials. Its all about happy things and it has so many different things from a weight tracker and more. There are so many ex pregly members who were tired of the low class garbage and topics on pregly. So see ya, well not really. I'm going to a HAPPY place.


  • I like it there too
  • I have it too, but the weight tracker thing depresses me >.>
  • Ya weight tracker makes me sad but the rest is wonderful.
  • It's even more heavily monitored and has less freedom to talk about real things that might be on our minds?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • its a mucher nicer set up but the forum isnt nice to look at
  • I agree, @mama_kat. Pregly is just a baby itself, and @martin is working as hard as he can to make it into something really great. In fact, I e-mailed him last night per request with several ideas and suggestions, and I am glad he is willingly listening to user feedback. I even mentioned the issue you were concerned with, @82mileyrae, about having a separate discussion area for more controversial topics some women and men may be passionate about. I am sorry you find you cannot continue to use Pregly because of the frank discussions about a myriad of topics, but I am glad you found a place you feel comfortable.
  • @mama_kat totally agree we are all different ... I personally love pregly and the ability to be open on here is my favorite part. There's usually drama anywhere you go.

    Just depends on how well your able to deal with it. Perhaps a Christian women's group might be a safe place for offended mothers to go.
  • @praying4our3rd and @amj2486 Happy Pregnancy Ticker isn't even an option for me, because I don't have an Android. :( My fiance does, hence how I found out about Pregly, but thankfully this forum has desktop access, too, which sold it for me.
  • Sorry @mama_kat. I just thought that this was an eye roll kind of moment.
  • Don't like happy pregnancy ticker. Just deleted it
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I think mummynumber3 just found the greatest wisdom when it comes to internet interactions. Like the golden rule of the web.... Don't like it? Don't look.
  • This is the only app I like, happy pregnancy wasn't for me and babybump forum is wayyyyyy worse than this one if you can believe it!
  • I like tht Pregly allows u to discuss whatever u may be going thru good or bad! I love it :)
  • @82mileyrae there isn't anything on here that makes you look at it. If you don't like the drama don't look at the dramatic post. Its as simple as that. I love pregly. It give women that have never been through this a chance to ask whatever we need to ask even the grody and discusting topics we all need answers I'm sure you've had you're far share of questions and everyone has their own opinions. I personally find it more dramatic to announce over pregly that you hate it and are going somewhere else, if you are going just go. Who cares. But this is all just my opinion. I for one am very thankful for pregly because it gives me the chance to get some reassurence of the unknown. Good luck girls! :) I hope everyone has a happy, wonderful, and stress-free pregnancy<3
  • You should've just left without saying goodbye
  • Drama and garbage will be everywhere you go. It's up to you to decide how you want to deal with it, and how you want it to affect you. :)
  • edited March 2011
    I had try a lot of pregnancy app and these one i just love it! Even my hubby got pregly at hes phone. the world is not a happy place we all know that!!! im so thanksful @martin because these app rocks!!! even de drama is necessary somethimes, im not agree with some things lately but i think we can try to be nice or just take the other opinion with a mature point of view! anyways thank you pregly thank you girls my husband and i love these!!! keep the good work :X :-D
  • As a Christian woman I don't find this app to be bad but I see it as just the opposite it's encouragingand giving ladies and men the help and support they may need you never know what somebody may be going through. So God bless and praying for all the families on here.
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