I will never get pregnant again. (just need to vent-long!)
I thought being pregnant would be one of the best times of my life, but my bf ruined that for me. Before I got pregnant my bf adored me, we were inseparable. Now I have to BEG for attention. I sit next to him while he is watching t.v. or playing a game and if the baby is kicking I can't even get him to look over or put his hand on my sromache. I almost start crying everytime I read about someone saying the daddy talks to the belly/kisses the belly. I've asked him to EVERYDAY and he wont do it. That just seems so special to me, just because we can't see her I still think we should talk to her and show affection as much as possible. Also ever since I started to show, he wont have sex with me. I have literally begged and begged and he always thinks of an excuse. But he gets on porn all the time and "does the deed" I could understand him looking porn if we had sex regularly but instead of being with me he watches porn?? I've never felt so unappreciated, ignored, or ugly in my life. Not once since I've been pregnant has he complimented my looks or anything. I used to want 5 or more kids, but I never want to go through this again...
Sorry so long I just needed to vent.
Sorry so long I just needed to vent.
My husband did the same thing (except the porn) he wasn't interested at all. No excitment no touching no belly kissing. I was very alone and crying all the time. I finally broke down and kinda flipped on him. Turns out he had no idea how to connect with the pregnancy. He didn't know how to start loving something he couldn't hold or play with. He was just lost on how to deal with this family addition (baby was planned). He was a little standoffish until the first time he made baby laugh (4 mos) now 2 yrs later he is the best dad and husband I could ask for. Now I'm preg again... guess what he gets all my craving food and puts up with my moodswings but that's it... once again no belly kissing... every guys deals differently with pregnancy. He wanted our kids and planned them but doesn't have any clue how to relate to pregnancy..
Hope it helps.