the fun way i told my friends and extend family

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I wrote: A VERY happy daddy, mommy, big brother Ayden and BIG sister Kody!
And it took about a whole 30 seconds before the first comment came and then just seconds apart after that! Love that it was still easy enough for everyone to figure out without just saying it!
How did others tell their friends and extended families?


  • I'm a lil corney I guess. And had a shirt made for my son That said 'theres a baby in mommies tummy, That makes me the big brother' LOL we had a bunch of family over for my hubby's bday and had him wear it.. and I tell you it was probably ly an hour into the party before anybody got it! LOL oh well :)
  • My boyfriend and I wrapped two newborn diapers with a blue and pink bow and gave them to the grandparents to open at our sons 2nd birthday party...everyone got it right away and started clapping except for my mom she didn't get it...when my dad finally explained it to her she started crying! It was great!
  • I guess I wasn't soo crafty. Its my first so when my mom got home from work I passed her the positive tests and said merry christmas:)) lol her reaction was priceless.
  • Just said hey you, yeah you....I'M PREGNANT!!! :D and showed off my awesome u.s pictures :p
  • We tested positive on Christmas eve so we went to my moms house for Christmas (she lives about 4 hours away) so I bought one of the new digital tests peed on it then wrapped it up and gave it to my mom for Christmas.
  • I first posted a status—"my rabbit died!" But NO ONE got it. Then I took a picture of the ultrasound pic with a pregnancy stick under it and posted it on Facebook. All the close people already knew, but acquaintances and friends and such had no idea, so when it went up my Facebook was attacked. Its got like 20 likes and almost 100 comments between the status and picture.

    Unfortunately part of the reason why my family knew was because some random girl posted on my bfs wall "heard you're going to be a daddy" so I missed my real chance to tell people I wanted to, so it was basically all through Facebook ...which still pisses me off...
  • I don't understand the "my rabbit died" part?
  • They used to inject female urine into a rabbit and if it died you were preggo :)
  • T I taught my 2 year old to kiss my tummy when I asked her to kiss the baby. We had all the family's attention at Thanksgiving all ready to announce it by having her kiss me. I said "Can you kid the baby Sissy?" She leaned over and kissed me on the boob. In front of everyone. Haha it was hilarious. We then obviously had to explain a bit and redo her trick :) they eventually got the message and were thrilled!
  • I don't have a cool story, I just told everyone over the phone because its a pain to get them all together. My 6th grade teacher told us she was pregnant by writing "The stork is coming" on the projector and uncovering the message word for word. We were all quiet and then one girl said, "Oh! She's having a baby!" And we all cheered. :)
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