preggo, anxiety, hormones, ahh

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Well I'm 29 weeks and for 5 years I've been on meds for my ADD and anxiety, but I don't want to have the baby exposed to I feel 10x more forgetful and worried at times. I stopped working tho so I make sure my stress level isn't too bad =) I am having one of those nights where wise words and thoughts will help. My husband is asleep we just literally moved two states today and we are both unemployed now. Bills are still there and I am asking fellow pregnant women to give me a better spirit at the moment =)


  • You must pray through these hard times. God will take care of you, your anxieties and your family if you let Him. I will say a prayer for you now.
  • The best words I have for u r....just remember its not forever and things will be all right in the end. Everyone has downfalls in life but also remember its making u stronger so u can climb up out of that hole and know how to overcome anything. Think of ur baby and everything ur doing is life lessons to help nurture and teach ur lil one :) keep ur head up ur doing great!
  • Awe thank you ladies! I'm usually in better spirits but with all going on ugh, that's why I love this Pregly.
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