
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hello ladies. When will my belly get hard, I'm close to 13 weeks I'm dying to look prego n not fat.


  • Girl believe its better late then early on I'm 19wks & I feel like free willy I'm huge!
  • Lol all my friends keep telling me that. Im just eager I guess. Tomorrow I have my doc apt for down syndrome will I be able to see the babe?i
  • edited March 2011
    Lml be patient lol you dont want to be free willy 2 :-)) yes I did when they did the down syndrome scan it lasted like almost a hr they check everything wiyh the baby legs, arms, fingers etc... I even got pics :-D when are you due?
  • Aww yess.n I'm due Sept 22 nd .
  • I'm 20 weeks and I don't have a tummy yet :( I'm just chunky :-((
  • I'm suppose to be due September 21 :)
  • @ jmask I feel ya. And @ firsttimemom Aww we're super close :D
  • I'm due augs 7th :X
  • So exciting. Ur baby will be able to start school at his or her right age. Unlike mines:(
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