
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have been having a really hard time sleeping! My bf went to bed at like 9 last night and I stayed up to watch tv since he can't sleep with a tv in our bedroom and its hard for me to sleep without one! So I stayed up and fell asleep on the couch aroun 12 went to bed and 1. Did the normal toss and sleep and woke up like I do every night/morning at 4:30 and went pee. This is the time he usually gets up for work but todayis his day off. So I went back to bed until 5:30 at which point I realized I wasnt going back to sleep any time soon. So I got up and went to the couch to watch tv. Around 6:30 he gets up and asks me what I'm doing. I explain I couldn't sleep and so on. So.he goes back to bed and I fall asleep on the couch. He comes out at like 7:50 and starts freaking out about how I never go to bed with him and how I'm always gone and how he can't he in HIS living room. Keep in mind I usually lay with him until he falls asleep then go back to bed later and haven't hardly left my house in 4 days. And he knows this because we share a car and he has just been taking it to work. Which is fine by me. So he keeps freaking out on me and I'm crying and he says o ahead cry my x used to all the time I'm sick of it. We have been together close to 2 years now! He always brings her up! Then he starts saying he's going to kill himself! Then I will be free to do whatever I want! I feel like I'm prego and shouldn't have to deal with this bs! Seriously! He is freaking out like a little kid! I am 5 months pregnant and have been calm and pretty sane this whole time! Ugh I don't know what to do! I feel like I can't leave him because I can't make it on my own right now. I hardly work! But I feel like I shouldn't stay! He shouldn't be making me feel like crap and make me cry! Also he gets like this a lot in the am but its not usually this bad!


  • Wow! That's messed up. You don't want to stay with your parents? Because its not good to deal with bs and stress with the baby. My boyfriend brings up his ex to and I just tell him go be with her. And if you cry and he doesn't care that's not a good sign. Sit down and talk and tell him how you feel.
  • Maybe his ex did a number on him and hes insecure thinking u will do the same? Ugh men can be such dinks. Sounds like maybe hes having self esteem issues? I would sit down and talk to him..explain you are not his ex and you do not appreciate being compared to her. Tell him why u aren't in bed and that you are being considerate of his feelings and no tv in the bedroom...tell him that YOU need HIS support being the one who is carrrying the baby and getting little sleep. I would also mention that it hurts you that he makes you cry and then doesn't care. Perhaps his ex cried to get her way and he assumes all women do? Regardless he's being a total dink to you and you do not deserve it. He needs to stop comparing you to her and get over the baggage he's carrying around. Hes gonna be a Daddy and needs to grow up and step up. Sorry just my opinion. Good luck hunny hope things get better for you :-)
  • @mnbaby3 my ex compared me to his disgusting junkie slut ex girlfriend and I got PISSED. He always talked about her in front of me. When he compared me to her, that did it. I broke up with him shortly after (for many other reasons too).
    @steeny I would try to have a talk with him about it and try your best not to cry during your discussion. I know how hard that is, I was sensitive before and being pregnant makes me ultra sensitive. If he's going to keep being so horrible, I would pack up and leave. Stay with a friend or relatives until/if he pulls his head out of his butt.
  • Thanks gals! He's home now and we talked! He does have self esteem issues and has been doing so good! His ex really messed him up! I was so disappointed in him this morning. He is usually so good which I didn't mention because I was mad and hurt! We have been working together he has tons of stuff going on bad parents bad ex. I just hope this doesn't happen anymore! Thank you for listening to me it means a lot!
  • Yall have been together too long for him to even still be thinking about her. Shes irrelavent, u know? Yalls relationship is a completely seperate thing. Sorry, im glad yall talked it out but it would so get on my last nerve if my bf was still bringing up his ex after two years. I think u should work on him letting it go cuz godforbid hes still doin it when the baby gets here, ugh that crap would get so old!
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