The Business of Being Born

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
Holy moly! I just watched the business of being born! It was awesome and interesting and crazy and cool and special and I am a little sad I won't be able to do a home birth. I live on an island and the hospital is on the mainland. I would feel comfortable attempting a home birth being so far away! But seriously whoever it was that recomended that THANK YOU! I am using a midwife which I absolutely LOVE and I know she will give me a great experience! Just wanted to share with all of you! Watch it its amazing! And true!


  • IT is a great movie! I have had natural births with both mine and would not trade it for the world! Plan on this one the same
  • I watched it as well and it was truly amazing. I want to try a natural birth myself now after seeing that movie. When I had my son they had to induce me, but I want it to be this time. I would recomend that movie to any pregnant woman.
  • It made me feel pumped too! Like I wanna give birth now! I know its gonna be crazy painful but so worth it! I feel even better about wanting to do it all natural! After seeing that I'm glad i've had the natural mind set the whole time! Bring on labor I am pumped and ready!
  • I keep meaning to check Netflix for this movie, but it always escapes my mind! I will definitely have to look into it, because I have seen so many on here suggest it. :)
  • Yeah I watched it on my netflix instant que! Watch it it makes me.stoked for birth! I promise you will love it!
  • edited March 2011
    Just watched first half of business of being born...great and all but If my mother had done it naturally with a midwife at home, I would not be here right now.
  • Well that's why they say to keep in mind that things can go wrong and its good to be close to a hospital. But most women are having unnecessary drugs and c-sections when they don't need to.
  • It really is a great documentary. Full of a lot of information and I'm so glad I watched it even before I got pregnant. Everyone should watch it.
  • I agree!
  • Yes very informitive! I knew I didn't want drugs and now I know why

    Great film
  • Where else can I watch it besides netflix?
  • Youtube.
    If I were concidering a no-drug birth, (which I am) I would still have him at a hospital. I see it as much safer if things went wrong like it did at my birth.
  • I did all natural in the hospital and had a great experience. Yes I had to wear a stupid monitor, and get an iv, but these were the only requests my doc had. We had our plan we did bradley classes so we knew what was going on, and everything was great. I'm doing hospital birth again, simply because my doc was so amazing! And that is where he delivers. I think the video for me showed me more of what to watch out for at the hosp. then it did to discourage me from going. I believe the hospital staff isn't trying to create this hostile birthing enviroment, I think it has just become the norm. Pregnant women are the key to changing this norm to better fit our needs and not the hospitals.

    It starts with us learning about natural birth and then showing hospitals we don't need drugs to have babies. I did feel safe knowing that if anything did go wrong I was where I needed to be, but I luckly didn't need any form of intervention. The problem is intervention happening to women where it is not needed.
  • @Steeny I am actually watching this film right now per suggestion. About twenty minutes in, talking about length of labor and induction.
  • I loved it I watched it a while back. It took all I could yell at the docs when I had my son, for them not to give me drugs or pitosen.I was only in labor for 6 hrs before I gave birth completely on my own! This one I wanted a dula but I'm high risk with this one n have to go to emergency room for delivery again. Their its always a war!!!
  • edited March 2011
    Holy crap, I just saw the portion about Scopolamine, described here ( I knew they used to strap women down during birth, but I did not know the rest, such as the continuous sleeve. That is truly horrifying.
  • @aortiz22 that's what I'm doing too except I have a midwife who comes with a great reputation of being in charge of the birth. I will feel better knowing I'm in the hospital and know she is there to help it be natural! This is my first hope it goes well for me!
  • Good luck I wish you the best :)
  • I totaly loved this movie! I've never been a fan of ricky because of the high drama talk shows, but I loved this. I think she has found her calling in being an advocate for women learning more about their birth!
  • That movie changed my life. We chose a midwife (she is awesome) and we are having our baby in a nothing center, which is as close to having a home birth with out being home. I'm so excited. It's our first baby.
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