why in the world am I not showing!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm already nineteen weeks and not showing in the slightest! Some days it seems I might be then other days any sign of a bump is gone! If I'm not getting bigger how can my baby have enough room to move and grow?


  • No rudeness, are you really slim or ?
  • @caroline8_p I have always been very skinny I'm 5'6 115. But I thought being slim would make me show sooner?
  • Every woman carries differently, some babies grow inwardly so you don't show as much, some people also just take longer to pop out there. I'm almost 24wks and feel like I popped out over night, I also have a friend who is about 20wks and has a bigger belly than I do. I'm sure it will happen for you too, remember everyone is different. =)
  • Seems to me like women who have always been slender, show later. If you have great stomach muscles/abs that could be another reason. No need to worry.
  • My sister in law knows a woman who is seven months n just started showing, so it really does just depend.
  • Im a slender woman n with my first I did not show til around 6 months. The more n more children I had the faster I popped out a belly
  • I'm 21 weeks and barely showing at all. As long as baby is the right size your fine. Mine is a boy so I think he's growing inward.
  • I'm Not showing and I'm 15 weeks with my third. I'm 5'2 120lbs, and just had a baby in july. It just depends on the person. I thought I would be showing already
  • Thank you ladies I feel better now! @mscheyla mine is a boy too, does that make a difference? What does growing inward mean?
  • I am very petite stil and i am 7months i didnt start showing until end of january when i was 5 months, i think of it as a blessing because hopefully my baby will be small and less painful if you know what i mean :P x
  • Im tall and skinny...22 weeks and just barely starting to get a lil bump!
  • @finallyamomma I'm not sure how to explain it, not all boys do just its more common to carry them low and inward. But towards the end belly wise the women carrying boys are bigger.
  • Nope I'm well was 5'5 110 n I'm 20 weeks n popped over night.....
  • I was ur size with my first and didn't show till bout 6 months... then I exploded!! Stock up on mederma or something else for stretch marks, ur gonna pop big all of the sudden.
  • Lol, I like how everyone just popped overnight. I thought it was weird that I just seem to pop overnight. Thank goodness it's not so un-common. I've always been fit, but stopped most of my athletic (aggressive) activites (football, kickboxing etc.) When I found out I was pregnant. Most of my friends thought I wasn't pregnant until I started showing until like around my 28th/29th week.
  • I just got pregnant I think 3 or4 weeks ago but my friend is 2 and a half and she is showing now and she was really skinny. I kinda hope I stay skinny until my sophmore year ends because I'm not telling people at school yet. I'm going to wait til 6 or 5 months.
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