Bd being a huge A** (vent)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so had my first dr apt today n was happy that every thing was good with baby n me and after I told my bd that I was pregnant (wanted to wait till after my apt) he was extremly made at me n called me every name in the book n said it was all my fault n he never wanted to talk to me again :( Im really upset now n dont wanna be stressing this early in my pregnancy or at all for that matter n dont know what I should do.


  • If he's going to be like that start figuring up what you need to do. If your not already employed, get that started. If you can find or don't have a job there are financial aid for housing, wic, food stamps & Medicare for doctor expenses. Just start getting everything going, your a strong women just figure out what needs to be done for you and tot. Good luck :)
  • Thanks n yes I have I good job n medical insurance n my own place n take care of my other 2 kids, I'm not worried about him being there financially its just I dont understand why he is being this way
  • It doesn't make sense but that's awesome your already stable. But I would try not to worry about it, I know its hard & makes no sense but try to remain calm, maybe he's scared? (That is the lamest excuse though)
  • Ya I agree im think I am just gonna leave him alone for alil bit n let it sink in n go from there, thanks for the advice I needed it :)
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