pregnant or std..

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My period is 8 days late, I bled only one day last week which was light pink then by the end of the night it was brown the following day til now nothing. I haves been sleeping more and have had the same headache for two weeks now! The part I'm concerned about I took three tests all negative. Now I have noticed I have a white odor less discharged.. Idk wth is wrong and I'm scared. I have only been with one person in the past 3 years. I am making an appointment this week to get tested for both, I just wanted to know if anyone else haas had the same thing happen.


  • PSeems that ur pregnant and the bleeding was implantation bleeding. I had big headaches before I found out was always tired idk my belief is ur pregnant. I had a lot of white discharge. But if ur just implanting its too soon for tests to be positive but a blood test will definitely tell you! Good Luck! >:D<
  • @Jess_Jude oh em gee thank you! I was going crazy lol. I will go to the docs tmrw:)
  • Yeah no problem lol u shouldn't stress just incase u r pregnant its not good for the baby keep me updated. I'm sure everything is going to be just fine :) best of luck to you!!
  • @Jess_Jude thank you:) I sure will love.
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