confused plz comment

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
According to the last date of my cycle, I am suppose to be 6 weeks today. Had a transvaginal ultrasound sound an you could see the sac but the yolk is extremely the size of a period on the screen. The doc says it not consistent with 6 weeks but about 4 weeks. They took more blood to check to see if my hcg levels are going up..I won't know the results until 5:30. The question is, does this sound like a potential miscarriage??? Has anyone experienced this type of situation???


  • Don't get nervous. Could b miscarriage. Could b wrong date. Stay strong and time and tests will tell.
  • I haven't but I'm praying for you. They thought mine was maybe in my tubes but wasn't. Keep thinking positive. You may have ovulated late
  • Im concerned about u. You sound really afraid.
  • I agree... you may have ovulated later than you thought, putting your dates off. I'm wishing you the best of luck. <3
  • Thks Ladies. I'm very nervous bc I had a miscarriage last May at 6 weeks. The doc checked my tubes to make sure an everything looked good. My mind is racing smh
  • Keep in mind that conception can be delayed after the "event" i can only imagine how nervous you are right now but they are doing the right tests for you and your baby. It sounds like you are in good hands.
  • When I found out I was preggo the sac was like you described, no heartbeat, and irregular. But it turned out i was only 4 weeks along at the time and my HCG levels keep rising. The only thing they can do is test your HCG levels, I wish you luck!!!
  • Yes...he also said the ovulation time frame could be the reason. I don't even have a due date :( if this doesn't work I'm going back on birth control bc I'm 32 an it could be that I don't need another child. I have a 13 year old.
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  • Plz keep us posted
  • Yes...let us know : )
  • I will. Anxiously waiting for the phone call :s
  • Ok ladies. The doc said my levels rose 47% in the past 2 days. She said they like to see 50% but 47 isn't bad. Plz tell me why I'm still nervous as an alley cat with a mean dog after me. Oh my smh
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  • Indeed. Thks.
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