Soooo impatient!!

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
So I am eleven weeks tomorrow and I am just so darn impatient! I just want to be big, and know the gender, and feel the baby! Anybody feeling the same?


  • I was like that when I found out at 5wks now I'm 19wks & I just want to hurry up with these months hurry up augs & get here so I can hold my baby :p
  • Yeah I am and im barely 6wks
  • Yes I am n I will only be 5 wks on weds :( I just wanna be able to hear the heart beat n feel the baby :)
  • Same here! Foound out at 4w and now I am 9w4d and can't wait to start my 2nd trimester and find out the sex! And this is my 4th I would think I would be more patient lol
  • Oh my gosh I am so impatient too! I am about 5 weeks and I just want to be past the first trimester! I am trying not to stress out though. :p
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  • I'm impatient too!! We found out when I was only 4 weeks and 2 days...went into the Dr at 5 weeks but it was still too early to really see/hear anything...and I'm traveling for work so our first ultrasound isn't until week 9! This is our first, and we are really excited...but also trying to take it day by day and get through the first trimester safely. Staying positive!
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