Omg! Im gonna cry!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I just started bleeding, lighty! And crampin! Im suppose b 4 weeks pregnant! Does this mean im not prego after all?? :-S =((


  • It could be implantation bleeding. Is it like pd blood? Or like spotting?
  • Some cramping is normal in early pregnancy. Maybe the bleeding is associated with implantation. If its bad, you should probably see your Dr.
  • Like I had a little blood but like spotting. But if its light like a period see your doctor. Something might be wrong.
  • Well I know my aunt had periods during her pregnancy. She didn't even know till around four months cause she had reg bleeds every month. Some women do have spot bleeding. But I would get blood work done to check ur hcg levels. If there going up everything is good. Going down...uve probably miscarried =((
  • Ussually my period comes on heavy but this is real light bleeding so far and started like an hour ago
  • I agree with missMYkenzie. My mom had periods while pregnant with me and my brother. It's always best to go to the doctors.
  • Light spotting is definitely common. Most of the times its because of implantation. However, it could also be a sign there's an rh complication. It's just where the baby's blood type could be positive where yours would be negative. A simple shot would fix the problem. Would definitely go to the doctors as soon as possible.
  • Didn't u take a test and it came out negative? Soooooo can't this just be your regular period?
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