Who has gotten an epidural?

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
I'm a first time mom nd I wnt to get a epi but...do they hurt. I'm scared of getting stuck in my back. I can say I'm not afraid of needles anymore but still that's my back. Can someone tell me they are fine.


  • I've had two they always scare me but are never as bad as I imagine but the anxiety is still there. This will be my third one. Doesn't hurt anymore then a normal shot.
  • I was more hurting having to sit down while they were doing it cuz the baby was so low I got it late at around 7 or 8 cm dialated
  • I had one with my son I didn't want one becuz I was scared but wasn't dialating so they gave me one so I could dialte faster it wasn't that bad. I had a 2nd csection in feb n what ever they did to my spine kinda like an epidural hurt alot worse
  • I had one epidural and 2 spinals (cuz of c-sections) and I don't think it hurt. Ur having contractions while they are doin it. So I focused more on those then the epidural.
  • Does anyone know when its the right time to get it? I heard u only get one shot and if you get it to early your out of luck...
  • I had an epi wid my son nd its nothing more then a shot cept your legs will feel really weird but youll get used to it they tell you what there doing as there doing it nd what you should feel . itll all be okay girl trust me . good luck .
  • @beautifulMe since I had mine do late I guess it wasnt hitting me and they gave me 2
  • beautifulme I got mine when I askd for it . nd they gav me a button I could press every half hour if I wantd to so it nevr ran out .
  • I had mine at 4cm and 2 cm. But I had long labor and cervix wasn't opening at all ended up with emergency c sections. Out of luck?
  • Thnx I still have like 11 weeks left nd as time draws closer the mor I think.
  • Oh mine ran out they just put more meds in the IV line.
  • It's a good idea to wait until at least 5cm to get an epidural because you will be confined to bed afterwards and being bed-bound will slow your progression of labor, and increase your chances of having a c-section. I held out until 9cm and then caved and got it. I wish I'd gotten it a little sooner because contractions are nonstop and SUPER intense after 8cm and it was murder hunching over my belly and holding still at that point!
  • Ive had three 2 being in active labour and 1 when I was induced. I never felt the first 2 but the one I had when I was induced I felt it was like a big pinch. It really wasnt to horrible. This will b my fourth epi ill b nervous I always am lol
  • I will never get another one ever again with my first child they had to stick me 5 times and then had to have emergency c section and felt most the pain from it close to the end
  • I have had three babies. I had a epi with two. My first I got mine at a ten BC they didn't check me. Second I got at a 8... but the baby got stressed BC they slow the contractions. So they ended up using forceps ...bad experience! They ended up taping my spinal fluid which gives u extreme headaches. So I had to get what they called a "blood patch". They drew my blood and filtered it in to the epi spot. OMG!!!! That hurt spoon bad. My third child I went natural. ..everyone has diff experiences..good luck!
  • I guess it depends on your anesthesiologist. Mines didnt hurt, the nurse even told me I was one of her better patient cause i didnt flinch but my poor friend had to get it done twice because the first time it didnt work.
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