Any vegan or veg heads =]

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm a proud mommy 2 be of well people say I'm both vegan and veg but idk lol I won't eat anything that hurts animals


  • I was a vegetarian for about a year and my husband has been one for 10 years. I was going to go back to it but then I found out I was it hard to get the proper nutrients when you're a vegetarian? If not I might go back to it.
  • I'm actually going vegetarian during my pregnancy. I'm still gonna eat fish, eggs, and milk tho.
  • @preggers you would just have to eat beans and take an iron vitamin
  • Normal vegetarians eat eggs and drink milk it vegans that don't but if you only eat fish and no other meat I think that's called a pescatarian haha which is exactly what I want to do too! =)
  • I'll probly end up a bacontarian. Someone who is vegetarian, but sneaks some delicious Bacon in their diet :)
  • I was vegetarian for almost 2 years. one day I just started eating meat again but I regret it and after my girl is born in may I'm going all vegan. (Or gonna try to!)
  • @victoria B haha I know what you mean! I'm not a big meat eater but there are just certain things that are SO hard to pass up! And yeah bacon is definitely one of them
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