Ways to naturally induce labor

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Common topic but im 39 weeks and desperate!! Has anyone tried anything that worked or helped progress you into labor? I've been bouncing on a birthing ball, i have tried cleaning as well as walking, but I haven't even progressed to 1cm..talk about a stubborn little boy!!


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  • Hey sounds like a sweet deal to me. That feeling of being prenant FOREVER just sucks haha
  • Drinking castor oil helped me. Its just a laxative, its a lil hard to swallow but once u do you'll have to poo a couple hours later. Goin poo is what helps labor start... Im glad I did it cuz my daughter weighed 8.9 and if I would have waited till I hit 40 weeks she would have been huge!
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  • Labor cookies helped my bff!!
  • Okay well after you told me your labor story and delivery (not to mention the fact that they denied you something as simple as tylonel), I take what I said back hahaha. I would have freaked on them!! So I take it u had her all natural no epidural..ur brave..I admire you hahaha. I guess ill just wait it out..im anxious more than anything. Im having a scheduled c-section friday anyways..I just am not looking forward to surgery..scary:/!!
  • See id try sex..but sex is just too much work and to be honest I just want to be left alone lol. My bd is going nuts..im gong nuts hearing him complain haha. Im huge I barely want to walk to try and get him out!! I mean I want to but then I don't lol. Ah the joys of pregnancy
  • As for castor oil I remember it worked for my second son, but I can't remember how much to take?
  • I have my last obgyn app tomorrow and the building sits right on a hill so maybe ill try that tomorrow..thanks:)
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