Weird Dreams

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Ever since i started my third trimester every night ive been having dreams that my babys father.has been.cheating on me and it feels so real that i wake up mad at him every day and when i tell him why he thinks im crazy!!! AM I THE ONLY ONEEE


  • Nope, I think its normal. We all have bad dreams while prego maybe if you try some relaxation exercises before going to bed to put your mind at ease. Good luck
  • Thanks and i will do
  • Try taking a warm bubble bath and soak for bout 15 minutes. Play some relaxing music or read a book. Always helps me.
  • Thanks and i will do
  • @isitoveryet- did the bath help you sleep a little better?
  • Yes it did thank u guys so muchh
  • I have the same problem! I though I was the only one but guess not ! When that happens I get mad and start to really think is he really doing it?I tend to put myself into stress
  • @xclusive yes it was gettin hard for me ri even sometimes but.these ladies ideas really worked for me u should try it too
  • I have this problem too...My boyfriend usually wakes me up asking whats wrong because I'll be crying...while still asleep. And crying loud enough to wake him up, so that's pretty bad. I have other weird dreams too, but I hate these ones, they feel so real, I wake up feeling betrayed, even though I really don't think he would ever really do it.
  • I have this problem too...My boyfriend usually wakes me up asking whats wrong because I'll be crying...while still asleep. And crying loud enough to wake him up, so that's pretty bad. I have other weird dreams too, but I hate these ones, they feel so real, I wake up feeling betrayed, even though I really don't think he would ever really do it.
  • I have been having dreams ever sense I found out. I normally never remembered them before, but now they are more vivid then ever. After I lost my first they just stoped. Which was my first sign something was wrong...weird right.
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