when did everyone get early symptoms of being prego?
hi everyone, I was just wondering if you could tell me when you first started experiencing signs of pregnancy because I know if I am pregnant id be around only 2 weeks, but I have no signs, thnks for responses !
Tested this morning and it was a BFP! :-) Going from the day I ovulated I am about 4 weeks and due Oct. 9
Good luck! It will happen...just when we were starting to think it wouldn't it did! :-)
I had thought my cycle were 28-30 days and when my AF didn't come when I thought it should and my hpt were all negative I became extremely worried but I talked to a momma on baby-gaga and she helped me realize that my cycles are 37 days not 28-30! Thanks to her, December was the last month I dealt w/ that confusion and look what we have here...I got pregnant the very next cycle! Elated!
GL to you and *baby dust*
now I'm 26 weeks and a day so all the early symptoms didn't hit me till later on..