June Baby

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
Few weeks to go, my baby is coming out. :)


  • June 1st week here.. soo excited!
  • June 28 can't wait
  • Im naming him Jaiden Jake. He will be June Baby!
  • I'm june as well and can't wait!
    (This app tells me I'm due the 21st. I have another telling me the 15th and my 1st ultra sound at 7 weeks said the 28th but before I found out I was pregnant I was doing a lot of smoking and drinking (it was a rough couple months and when I found out quit both smoking and drinking that day) so I'm thinking she may have been small that picture so not sure exact date lol) but my fiancee, myself and our families are extatic!
  • I'm having a girl n haven't picked a name yet
  • @rebekah's mommy ^_^ (Rebekah is such a cute name!) and congratulation mommies! same here, all the family are just so excited to see the baby.. few weeks to go! Cant wait..
  • Thanks! ^_^ <--- is my fave face to make lol ^_^
  • lol, i love it too!
  • Im due June 14th with a boy! Soooo excited. I know my 3rd trimester is going to take so long haha
  • Im due on June 1st week, cant wait to see my baby tOo:)
  • @heatherlynn I am also due June 14th with a boy. Congrats!
  • Im due june 6th with my second little girl :) her name will be Amaiya Lynne
  • Wow, cute names! I will be naming mine as "Jaiden Jake" and his Korean Name will be Shi Hyeon.. ^_^ Goodluck mommies!
  • Due June 28 with a lil princess :) naming her Jennalee Renee
  • how did you came up with her name? cutie..
  • Due June 19 with a baby girl her name will be Kori Sistine :)
  • Im due June 28 with a little girl don't have a name yet me and hubby can't agree. I like the name Amani Density. But I'm willing to name her Amani Dominique he likes Dominique.
  • Im due June 28 with a little girl don't have a name yet me and hubby can't agree. I like the name Amani Density. But I'm willing to name her Amani Dominique he likes Dominique.
  • I'm due the 24th of june with a boy. Can't wait he will be my first :)
  • Im due june 3rd my 1st baby girl
  • Due june 20th with a girl, Nicole Marie Elizabeth. Have two boys and a girl already, so we're done.
  • :-) june 28th seems like all girls day. Congrats everybody!
  • Due june 13th my first nd his name will be Davian Javelle :) we cant wait to meet him!
  • edited March 2011
    June 24 with my first girl and I can't wait I'm getting really miserable...naming her Zechariah jakylee......
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