25 weeks today!! (: any one else??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I just turned 25 weeks today:) and was wondering how all you other moms are doing and feeling. Thnx


  • Yes!! :D me 2! Im feeling great just heavy! As all out front and no where else.. You?
  • Me three!! Lol...
    When are u mommies due?
  • Due Nov 14th. My first child.
  • This is my 4th pregnancy. I'll be 25 weeks on Thursday and I feel pretty good...just heavy and have to go to the bathroom more. I'm waking up once at night to go now and that to me is a sign that I'm almost there...I guess we really are, lol.
  • @Joy... I get up once also... it used to be 3-4times.... But i really feel her kickn or pushn by my pelvic area all the time... Do you?
  • I was 25 weeks yesterday(: due june 27th with a little boy. Im doing good, just at home sleeping and eating. Haha I feel like a fatty..
  • I'm due june 28th with a little girl:) my first child and yes feeling heavy,going to the bathroom alot more,esp at night,eating alot too,and def feel her moving alot and kicking and so ready for the last trimester to be here so i can hold her already! I'm 18..how old are you other mommies?
  • Im 19 this is my first as well.. She has her days moving. More active on some then others! (worries me like hell!!) Im also due June 28th :)
  • Pregnant with my second, and this is nothing like the first!!! I'm eating ALL the time!!
  • I'm due june 25th..lil boy
    Feeling tired still..after 3 hrs @ work my back begins to burn and ache..
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  • @1sttimemommy18- im 17(: have you graduated high school yet?
  • edited March 2011
    Im due June 28 with a girl... Like emmalouis &1sttimemommy :p
  • Im only 22 wks I cannot wait till my lil girl is here already... :p
  • @betty- yes, I'm carrying pretty low so I feel a lot of movement in the pelvic area, esp on my bladder! Lol.
  • @junemomma1 yes i graduated last year,I'm turning 19 in april:)
  • Oh so you weren't pregnant in high school? @1sttimemommy18
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