officially 38 weeks, who else is getting close?? :D

We just got her crib and changing table all set up with all her bedding and everything. I'm so giddy, and its becoming so REAL! I can't wait to hold her :) anyone else as excited as I am?


  • ME ME MEEE!!! Im 38 weeks and 3 days I cannot wait to meet my lil man im being induced in 7 days!!
  • I'm soooo impatient!....I'm @ 35 wks jus got out of the hosp. For contractions and @ 31wks found out I was 2cm dilated now I'm only 3 time is slowly ticking...and I want this little girl outta me!
  • Ahhhh! That's so exciting :D what are you naming him?
  • Mayson Joseph. What ru naming your lil girl?
  • @laila_jaidasmom I know how that goes! I've been in the hospital for contractions twice, once at 35 weeks and once last night and both times they sent me home lol its frustrating. I'm 3 cm dialated though, lost my mucus plug and her head is really really low! So maybe ill go soon!
  • @gabbs326 I'm naming her karlie yvette :) karlie after my fiances late grandpa karl and yvette after my mom! I love the way you spell mayson! I've only seen it spelled mason :)
  • Thank you. My great grandmother who passed away a few yrs ago, her middle name was May... and I wanted a unique spelling. And his middle name is after my Dad and lil brother. So his name has a special meaning. :) and that's a very cute name I love it!! <3 these babies have special meaning to there names
  • Yes they do :) I am so excited to hold her! Is this your first baby?
  • Yes this would be my first. Im a younger mama only 19. But I am so excited have lots of support and everything I need. All I need is this Bebe out of me. Its been miserable these past few weeks. How about you? Your first?
  • edited March 2011
    Congrats to all! I'm 37 weeks I'm starting to feel contractions but not too bad. His head is down in my pelvis! I won't get checked to see I'm dilated till 39 weeks!!
  • @gabbs326 no way! I'm 19 too :) yup this is my first! Lots of support and everything over here too :) its so exciting being a young mom. Where ya from?
    @asmommy11 congrats to you mama! :) that is exciting, her head dropped around 36 weeks for me! It hurts a lot of the time , I'm waddling everywhere now lol
  • That's awesome!!! Its such a blessing to have family and good support systems ya kno. And im from Erie Pennsylvania. Where ru from?
  • I go at 5pm tomorrow to get induced!!! :)) I wonder how long it will take since its my third baby n I'm 39 weeks??
  • I am 38 weeks and 1 day and this is my third wish he would hurry but I have had EVERYTHING if his ready and set up since 30 weeks
  • I'm from erie,pa too! Ill be 38weeks wednesday(:
    I can not wait.
  • @leannamari3 really. That's crazy lol and congrats to you :)
  • @gabbs326 I'm from beavercreek ohio :) just a little tiny town.
    Congrats everyone! I'm happy for all of you!
    @jesslang omg I am so jealous!! Lol I am so ready to meet my babygirl! Congrats and best of luck for an easy delivery mama :)
  • Ohio that's cool! Not to far from PA.
  • I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow. :-) excited for my little girl, I already have a 3 year old son. I've been feeling irregular contractions and my midwife is pretty confident she'll arrive soon! But if not I have a membrane sweep booked for the 28th. Good luck to all of you, and remember to keep us updated as much as possible :-D
  • 38 weeks today :) got a doc appt later today been having strong contractions since friday night hoping I have dialated more !! first baby on the way cant wait to meet my lil girl <3
  • Ill be 36 weeks Thursday with lil Layla. I go for my last ultrasound next Tuesday.
  • I'm 38 wks n just got out the hospital having contractions every 4 to 7 mins. Dilated only 2cm n they sent me home cuz they weren't constant ugh I'm so ready to meet my daughter
  • They gave me a shot of morphine for pain
  • @kaylababy007 we almost chose the name layla! :) looove it!
  • Awe. What are you nameing her?
  • Her names gonna be karlie yvette terry :)
  • Awe. That's pretty. :)
  • edited March 2011
    Awwwww :-D congrats! You girls are so lucky I'm only 19wks 3days I want augs to come :-(
  • 39weeks 2days .....I think she's going allll the way, she is way to comfy in there :( can't wait to meet her!! <3 good luck ladies!! Xxxx
  • 36 weeks 3 days! Ahh
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