Becoming Impatient

edited February 2011 in June 2011
Iz dos normal as I get closer 2 my due date? Im rdy 4r June 2 get hea so we can meet.


  • Oh yes, this is baby number two for me and I feel much more impatient this time around. And counting the days does not help. It's hard to just say she/he will come when she/he comes. Good luck and I'm marking off the calendar with you.
  • This is my fourth, and it seems like im MORE impatient than i was with the others. My bags are ready already, still 18 weeks to go!
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  • I keep packn n unpackn out bags 2 mke time pass n im lik getn mre n mre impatient by da hour...Congrats ladies
  • I'm due in June 25 I can't wait for my baby girl to arrive I'm wondering who would she look like me or my bf I just wanna get this pregnancy over
  • I just can't wait to get out of the first trimester. After that I'm chillin'. lol
  • Very normal to feel that way. :-) this is my second and I would very much like to meet them and find out if it's a boy or a girl! I haven't even finished packing my bags and i've got only 40 days left. Just take it a day at a time and plan some things to get done to pass the time. Good luck and congrats! :-)
  • 12 weeks left and its going soooo slow! And no doubt the moo will be late, I wanna have cuddles already lol :)
  • @faithsmummytobe I hve 11 weeks/2 days left n it needa hurri up b4 I go crazi. Waz ur due date?
  • Wow I have 15 weeks left and I'm not even done with the baby room it seems to be going by so fast
  • @chelle iz dis ur 1st bby? Dis iz my 2nd n my 1st pregncy flew by but dis 1 iz movn so slow. Ugh hurri up alrdy. Lol
  • I have ten weeks left and this is my first and I can't wait to have him one week will go fast but then the next will go slow
  • No this is my second my first went by very slow!
  • I know what you mean! Was going quick up until now, my due date is June 11th, lovely timing juat before summer so I can show off my babys cute chubby rolls lol
  • I'm super excited to be half way there!!! 20 more weeks!! Lol its so far awayyy :(
  • I start ma 3rd trimester in 2 days.... n this goes soooo slow....
  • This is my first n its taking so longggg!!! Ok due June 21 I got like 14 weeks to go its driving me crazy I just wana hold my lil boy !!
  • I'm 37 weeks, and everyday seems so long now. I want him to be here already!
  • Wow I read my previous comment on this post and now i've only got 12 days to go basically. It was starting to go slow but now i'm getting a bad cough so it'll be even worse! Hang in there everybody!
  • @SheridanLM1991 im I wish I had 12 lft but I hve lik 75 r so. Ugh Congrats hunn
  • I have 8 more weeks left feels like it dragging, my due date June 3rd but im full term on the 20th of May Do any day after that I'm anxious smh
  • Due sept 4th & this feels like my baby girl is never going 2 get here. This is baby #2 & oh my lord its going waaaaay sloooower than my 1st lol...all I can do is wait I guess!
  • @Gabrielalecoco my due date iz June 8 but my c-sectn iz June 1. Hope dez nxt 8 weeks will for bye. @simone dis iz my 2nd bby also & time goin by soooo slow...Hurry up alrdy June. Im glad im not due n Sept cuz idk wat I will do. Im alrdy miserable cuz im havn 2 b preggo wit all dis heat. Yu hve it worse than me cuz yu really preggo da whole Summer :) Congrats ladies
  • Thank you :-) Congrats to you too
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