Bad Doctor?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I had posted earlier that I had been vet dizzy and restless leg keeping me up all night, all signs of low iron. I have been on an iron supplement for 6 weeks now and I am now 37 w 5d. I called my doctor at noon very concerned that something is wrong because dizziness is getting much worse. I almost fainted cooking a 5 minute dinner tonite. My docdoctor has yet to call me back...what should I do?


  • edited March 2011
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • if he doesnt call back soon... i would go to the ER
  • I agree with Mama_Kat. Your doctor doesn't care about your baby as much as you do so do anything you need to to get checked out ASAP.
  • Id def go in. You could risk actually fainting and falling on baby. Or something else might be going on.

    Keep us updated!
  • I would go in. Or make an apt for first thing. I am low iron as well, I get dizzy A LOT but if your concerned the dr should be there. I know lack of sleep and baby sucking all nutrience helps. But don't let them ignore you. You know your body better then anyone!
  • Just an update it was vertigo from a cold Chad the week before
  • Vertigo is nasty I had it so bad a few years back I couldn't even walk I spent 5 days in the hospital and another 2 weeks in bed I hope it goes away soon good luck
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