feel bad..

edited March 2011 in First time moms
I work in a family clinic and I interact with patients a lot. When I review records and see that they are getting infertility workups or see that they had a recent miscarriage I feel bad when I have to go check them in. It might be all in my head but I can't help it. It took me over a yr to finally get pregnant and I had a miscarriage last year. Im now 31 weeks. And I remember feeling really envious of pregnant women to the point where I would almost be in tears or I would have to leave a store. Im not saying all people ttc are like that but I just feel awkward when im pregnant in front of them. Am I just thinking too much or something or does anyone get where im coming from?...sorry im probably just rambling


  • I used to feel awkward around a friend of mine that had lost her baby boy just before I had mine. I felt bad that my baby lived and hers only lived for one month, and only one week of that month was at home. But realistically she was going to see brand new babies everywhere and she knew that. We're still friends and she still comes around, and those families you interact with probably don't hold any grudges against you. A little jealousy I think is natural in a situation like that though. A baby is a tough thing to want if you're having trouble getting one.
  • Yeah. I would even get sad when people would ask me if I had any kids. Just a little innocent question like that would upset me when I was ttc
  • It's hard. I used to get depressed when my friends would be pregnant and we weren't.
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