

  • Just got done with some!!! My favorite!!!
  • I use to eat them everyday lol. I loved them but now my doc told me to stay away from spicy food. Its such a dwner lol
  • I was cravin Fritos but the store didn't have them so I had to settle for Hot Cheetos & omg they have never tasted so good! Lol
  • I love them, ate them with all 3 of my pregnancy.
  • Loved them with my last pregnancy...Can't stand them this pregnancy but I do love the jalepeno kind.
  • I do but rarley I like them with the lays ranch dipping sauce its good I swear or cream cheese or Tue mexican hot sauce tapatio and lemon(; I swear their good
  • I'm going to get some now. . .can't wait
  • Yes! And I squeeze lime on top and add more hot sauce (Valentina) on top :)
  • Haha omgosh I'm eatin some right now with a bean burrito! Lol
    @1stTimePreggo thata the besstt!!
  • Im not allowed to :/ my baby daddy snatches them away and cuts up fruit for me lol. Hes caught me eating them in the bathroom at 3a.m with cheese booooo :/ lol
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