I don't know what to do...

I been knowing my bd for 2 years as friends. But we ended up being in a relationship since november. I'm now 8 weeks pregnant with his child. We have been arguing a lot about nothing. He put everyone before me and my child. We use to talk every day. Now he haven't called me in 2 days. I know nothings wrong with him. The last couple of times we talked he said he wanted a paternity test. I haven't cheated at all. My friends are saying "the only reason he's denying because he's doing his dirt". What should I do?


  • Honestly i would give him what he wants. He wants to put everything before u guys the show him u don't need him(even if u do) don't call him when he calls don't answer right away call him back an hour later with some excuse why u didn't answer. Don't tell him anything about the baby. Make him come to you. I think if hr sees you don't need him and such it might him come around and realize he needs u more. And even when he comes back. Try not to let thinga bother you.
  • Guys suck. well if you dont want him or wanna piss him off :Tell him he can make a court requested paternity test after you file for child support.
    But if you love him tell him how much hes hurting you by ignoring you and even asking but that you will do it cuz you lovr him and just give him what he wants.
  • Its so hard not hearing his voice. But I'm doing other things to get my mind off of him. I'm pissed off with him any ways because he lied about how many kids he have. I was told 2 now its 3 plus I'm having 1 now.
  • He don't want to have the paternity test in court because child support.
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  • I wouldn't try to rattle his cage even more by ignoring him, that will only piss him off and probably suspect you of cheating. Guys minds seem to only go to this. Don't try to push him too hard either or he could get irriated. Such a delicate balance and its different for each guy. At the moment he's being mean and disrespecting you, I think you should get the paternity test in court. Don't you want help with your baby financially? What if he keeps this up and leaves you, just saying he has other kids and lied about them to you.
  • I don't want to work things out with him now. But I want him to go to doctors appointments with me and etc. he's 36 and I'm 23 this is my first child. I'm way more mature than him on so many levels. I just ent to be happy so I can have a healthy pregnancy.
  • I'm going thru a similar situation but we have two and I'm pregnant again. All of this hurts so bad that I'm looking to move away from him but not too far from my family and friends I've been looking online to pack some clothes and just drive to MD and start a new life over for us!
  • I'm sorry girl... my bd is a fool and doesn't even seem to understand what it means to have a baby on the way. Best wishes for you, just don't let him stress you, you're strong and you can do this on your own if you need to!
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  • Hes denying the baby cause hes not ready 2 b a father or someone its making him think that way. If he doesnt want the baby u should just let him go. Its his loss.
  • Thanks girls for the advice. We just talked it out. He is now saying that he will be there for me and our baby. But he still wants a paternity test. I have no problem with that. As long as he's there for our child. He won't have to pay child support. Also We won't be together no time soon. I made that decision to him and he understands. Thanks again
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