Unusual pressure in lower abdomen

So I am just about 20 weeks and I have been having a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen and also some pain in my lower back. I haven't had on bleeding or cramping but I've never experienced this before. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm a little worried =/


  • Yes, I'm 20 weeks also and I have pressure as well, I think its normal though, ill ask my doc tomorrow and let you know, I think its cause of your uterus expanding.
  • me too!!!! ask for me too!!!! pa pa pa pa please!!! :)
  • @ahuyser, Thanks!! My next appt isn't until the 29th and I suppose I could call my doc and ask, but since I'm not bleeding and I still feel the baby move I'm just thinking it is a normal"pregnancy pain". I'm trying not to freak out on every lil pain I get.
  • I promise I will girls, and ill let you know as soon as I get out, I will also be happy to tell you what I'm having!!!
  • I have it too I'm 21 wks and the other day I keep getting this little urge to pee, but I think he's kicking my bladder or something.
  • Ladies I'm 16 weeks and sometimes I have sharp pains in my pelvic area .. and abdomen .. is this normal ?
  • @ahuyser, yay!! Finding out the gender is so exciting :)

    @bundleofjoy, I sometimes get a quick sharp pain in my pelvic area if I get up too quick or move a certain way in bed. They don't last for more than a second so I've never really worried about it. I think it may be the body stretching to make room for the baby and all its luggage lol.
  • Mine may last for like 15 seconds
  • Hmm..this is my first baby so I don't have much experience to give a better answer or idea what it may be..sorry :( but if it worries you or seems abnormal maybe ask your doc. Wish I could be more help hun.
  • It's fine. This is on first too, I have a doc appt Friday. Can't wait. Every little thing makes me so nervous lol
  • Ladies its the uterus growing and pushing down on your vaginal region. Its nothing to be worried about, this is something new to your body so its going to feel different. Nothing to worry about. Your babies are growing. Just try to rest.
  • Hey ladies!!!!! @gabbs326 is right!! The doc said not to worry ladies and the pain is round ligament pain due to your body growing...and im having a boy!!!
  • Thanks ladies :)

    @ahuyser congrats!! I'm having a boy too!!
  • I wanna know too lol I'm 21 weeks as well but since so many of us have it I bet its totally normal lol
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