Im curious to know.. PLEASE READ AND ANSWER IF YOU KNOW???

edited March 2011 in Breastfeeding
I have a rare condition something to do with my spine.. almost like an MS. and when I found out I was pregnant I had to stop all 15 pills a day I took. A lot of them were pain medicines. I can feel this pain is coming back but my question is.... if im breastfeeding will taking pain medicines harm the baby thru breastfeeding?. Its something I need to get thru this pain, not saying im going to take it 10x a day but when in need. I really want to nurse my baby. Does anyone know if its safe?


  • After I gave birth 2wks later I had my gallbladder removed and my dr and pediatrician said I could take percaset and breastfeed n they said he would be fine.after a couple feedings I realized he wasn't waking up like he had .been I. Took him to pediatrician n they said stop feeding him ur milk until its all out of ur system bc he was getting the percaset in his system. Im not joking he slept for 3days I had to force him to wake up to feed him.I was so scared I took him to dr everyday just to make sure he was ok.if I were u I would talk to both pedatrican n ur dr and get them to talk to each other to see whts best for u and baby.good luck
  • Anything you put in your body goes to the baby when breastfeeding. I would talk to your OBGYN specifically about the meds "harming" the baby though. Do you mind telling what your spine condition is? I am a chiropractor and MIGHT be able to give you some insight as to alternative pain management if taking meds makes you nervous while breastfeeding.
  • It depends on what pain meds you are/were on. After my csection I was on percocet for about 3 weeks. I know plenty of women who are on vicodin or percocet during/after pregnancy with zero complications. As far as i know they are both deemed safe by the FDA (not that that means much these days).
  • Pain meds especially heavy duty ones will come through your milk and will have a sedative effect on baby. Too much could harm him/her. You may want to discuss a safe level with your doctor and your baby's doctor though if you have to take them and you want to breastfeed
  • Thanks guys!. @babyDC I have what's called transverse myelitis. It's lesions on the spinal cord. It can turn into MS so its something I have to watch very closely. Its very VERY painful I will deff talk to my drs about it before id do it most definitely.
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  • Thank you!.
  • with both babys i bf and tore down there they would only give me ibuprofen but a higher does then the one at the store bc I was bf
  • @gabbs326 I know what TM is. Seeing a chiropractor may be helpful and may help alleviate some pain while you are breastfeeding. There is no guarantee, but, no matter what, removing subluxations allows your brain to be able to communicate with your body the way it is supposed to. When your brain and body communicate properly, your body has the amazing ability to heal on its own :)
  • @babyDC I do have a chiropractor that I go to. Sometimes it helps n sometimes it makes it worse. I am going to try it tho bc I don't like the feeling of being on pain meds and very strong ones. I just want a healthy baby and if it means for me to suffer so I can nurse I indeed will. Thank you for your advice and input.
  • I have heard that with TM (sometimes better, sometimes worse). How long have you had it? Are you one of the unlucky ones that didn't recover? No matter what you end up doing, it will end up being the right decision for you and your little one. Good luck! I will keep you in my thoughts! Keep us updated on how you are doing.:)
  • @babyDC I _ was diagnosed at 16 n half years old. I am now 19 years old. I spent over 200 days just impatient in the children's hospital in two years not to mention the trips down just for appointments. When I got pregnant I thought maybe I was in remission bc I was doing so great. But now its gotten very painful again. While being diagnosed with TM I was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, thyroid disease and high bp all at the age of 16. I hope when I have this baby maybe I will feel better.its been one long journey of HELL but I've been a trooper and would NEVER wish this upon anyone. Thank you for your thoughts!!
  • Wow! That is A LOT to deal with at your young age! Positive attitude goes a long long way, so keep your head up. Keep seeing your chiro during your pregnancy. Pregnancy tends to make some already present conditions more intense. Especially HBP! I hope things get a little more pleasant, so you can enjoy your pregnancy some!!
  • @babyDC thank u. I have a week left til im being induced
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