english please?

I'm getting highly annoyed with people who type in what appears to be my 3 year old step daughters attempt at sounding out words.. I understand abbreviating words like ppl, u, r, etc..but adding letters or changing the spelling all together is just irritating to read and gives me half a migraine. I know I'm not the only one annoyed by this but I figured I wouldn't cause troubles by pin pointing individuals, although I would like to. Have a nice night!


  • Oh god it drives me nuts too!
  • How bout the ones that aren't even abbreviations just a bunch of extra letters... Wut the hell???
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  • Haha I just stopped myself from posting to one person asking if she would translate her comment to English so the rest of us know what the hell she is talking about!
  • And it seems more difficult to change words just to be "unique" like since when does a "q" substitute for a "g"?? And the words "to" and "my" why make them 3 letter words?? Isn't that just counterproductive? Lol its a lil silly to me. Oh well, what do I know?!
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  • lol! i agree with you guys
  • I do it sometimes but it seems like ppl r just getting carried away... I thought u type crazy "cus" ur lazy as I .... but adding extra letters n what not doesn't mke sense to me....
  • I hate wen they write word like dattt gurllll wasss allll uuupp innnn myyyy bizzzness. Omg really? U can't just say dat girl was all up in my bizness. Or when they switch letters around. I'm scared might just homeschool my baby sheesh
  • It is very annoying. I sometimes make gramatical errors if I don't read what I'm about to post, but come on it makes me roll my eyes and skip the post. I don't want to waste my time!

    I also don't get it when people type every other letter captial, tHaT jUsT mAkEs It So AnNoYiNg!
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  • I sometimes have issues with auto correct, and I'm still getting used to a touch screen...but even then...its not because I'm too Danny lazy to write a sentence out...technology just hates me. But yes....it irritated me to no end.
  • And by "Danny" I mean D***
  • Auto correct often messes up what I'm trying to say also.
  • I hate when numbers are involved, if its not letters, its not English lol
  • I also hate it. I cant even read that ignorant crap.
  • My twelve year old daughter texted me that nonsense. I warned her that it pissed me off and she continued to do it. I was so mad I not only took her phone but grounded her as well. If she does it again I will probably make her recite the "English"dictionary...
  • Auto correct can be a pain sometimes, but that's different then purposely changing the spelling of things! It drives me nuts! Its kinda embarrassing that I'm the same age as some of the people. I'm 22 no reason to be spelling like that.
  • Lmbo.I skip them too.it is mostly younger generation.on my fb my nieces n nephews write like that.I just ignore it.
  • I hear ya! Haha
    Its just laziness
  • If I can't read the topic then I won't waste my time to even click on the link. It takes me too long to sound out what they're spelling. I'm only 23, shouldn't I understand? Haha.
  • Hahaha this is halarious! I'm a bad speller but I try! I dwell really old reading those I just don't get it! I skip!
  • It's too hard to learn. My friends still get frustrated with me cause it takes me too long to text back. I feel like I'm from a whole different generation. Having kids aged me so quickly.
  • It's:
    That not dat
    Them not dem
    Though not doe
    This not dis
    To/too not tu or tew
    You not yhu
    Like not lyke
    Is not iz
    The not da
    What not wut or wat

    I don't even like the term baby daddy, it just sounds degrading to me.
  • honestly it sounds more degrading to the woman who says it than the man in question.
  • Yes..

    I would never refer to my boyfriend as my baby daddy, father, dad, yes.
  • Yes, yes, yes! I think speaking like that makes you look like a fool! I doubt you would type up a resume and send it with all the nonsense, so why use it in every day life? To be completely honest, this generation has become lazy.
  • *slight correction* some of this generation! Lol. I'm 22 and personally hate ebonics. I'm sorry.
  • It drives me crazy...I used to talk verbally (not written) like that as a teen and I just think how stupid and uneducated I sounded.Glad somebody finally said something on here lol
  • I erased ppl on my Facebook for writing that way. I'm 24 will be 25 in July, & individuals older than myself write that way. Ugh it pisses me off.
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