Anyone have this happen to them? I'm scared..

So my period is now 12 days late I have taken 3 tests all negative. Has anyone had a negative test and find out they were pregnant?


  • All of my home tests were negative, when I finally went to the Dr because I was so sick all the time they had to do a blood test because my body doesn't produce enough of the pregnancy hormone. (I can't think of what it is called for the life of me right now???)
  • @ SurpriseBaby its HGC I think
    @ MaybeMommy its happened both of my pregnancies. I would say give it 1 more week and if no period call the doctor
  • I am scheduling an appointment to see a doctor, how far were you when you found out by blood test?
  • @myonetruelove27 thanks! I haven't felt any signs of my period coming at all.
  • I took a blood test n it was + I got rushed to da er later n I think I was only like a couple of weeks cuz there was jus a sac n no baby n I only had sex 2weeks b4 dat happen
  • @Mommy2be11 is everything alright now? I have no insurance so its hard to see a doctor but I see a planned parenthood close by my home, I will be going there this thursday.
  • Yep im 11w6d now jus hang in there hun n I didnt have insurance either I called a hotline they have n houston n they have me cheap clinics 2 go 2 see if ur city have one
  • *they gave
  • @Mommy2be11 glad to hear that sweerheart :) I know, I have hope I just dont want anything else to be wrong with me..
  • Keep ya head n GO TO DA DOCTOR! LOL :)
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